
Kid’s English Book2 Lesson 14 I love flowers教案

  • 发布时间:2012-03-04 15:16:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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Kid’s English Book 2
Lesson Fourteen
I love flowers
1、 Teaching contents:
A rhyme a story
2、 Teaching objectives:
(1) Be able to listen ,speak and read the new words:
white, blue, pink, red, flower bed.
(2) Be able to chant the rhyme fluently .
(3) Be able to know the story .
3、 Teaching key points:
(1)The new words.
(2)The sentence: Don’t pick flowers in the garden.
4、 Teaching difficult points:
(1)Sentence: Flowers growing in my school.
Flowers blowing in the bed.
(2)Sentence: Don’t pick flowers in the garden.
5、 Teaching course:
Step 1 Warm up
a. Greeting \Sing a song
Good morning \afternoon, boys and girls.
How are you today? Are you happy?
Ss: Happy!
T: Me too. Let’s sing a song .My Garden. (Book 2 P62)
T: Good! This is my garden in my school. These are many flowers in my garden. What colour is it?
Ss: Red. (blue pink white)
T: Do you like them?
Ss: Yes!
T: Do you want to get some flowers?
Ss: Yes!
T: OK! Let’s have a race! OK? Group 1 is the red flower, Group 2 is the blue flower, Group 3 is pink flower and Group 4 is white flower .If you do well, I will give you these little flowers. Let’s check which group get more flowers. Are you ready? Let’s go.
Group 1: Red flower, red flower, great, great, great.
Group 2: Blue flower, blue flower, good, good, good.
Group 3: White flower, white flower, right, right, right.
Group 4: Pink flower, pink flower, in, in, in.
Step 2 Presentation\Practice.
Step 1 Teach “Don’t pick flowers in the garden.”
T: Look! Who is he?
Ss: Hello.
S2: Yes! Hello comes to my garden. Guess! Which flower does Hello like? Let’s watch a story! (VCD show the story)
(设计意图:观看故事影碟,整体感知,并引出句子:Don’t pick flowers in the garden.教育学生要爱护花草树木,不要摘花。)
T: OK! Who can tell me which flower does Hello like.
S1: The blue one.
T: Great! You’re right. Group 1 one flower.
G1: Red flower, red flower, great, great, great.
T: Do you like the blue flower.
Ss: Yes.
T: Can you pick it up? (Pretend to pick the flower.)Oh, no!
T/ Ss: Don’t pick flowers in the garden.
Step 2: Teach a rhyme
T: (Take a mask and pretend to be a bee) Look! I’m a little bee now. I’m flying in the garden.
Ss: Little bee, little bee, what can you see?
T: I see a white flower looking at me.
Ss: White flower, white flower, what can you see?
T (Pretend to be a flower) I see a blue flower looking at me.
Ss: Blue flower, blue flower, what can you see?
T: (Pretend to be a flower) I see a pink flower looking at me.
Ss: Pink flower, pink flower, what can you see?
T: (Pretend to be a flower) I see a flower bed under the tree. OK! Can you tell me how many kinds of flowers in the garden?
S1: Three!
T: Oh, you’re so clever! Let’s look at the garden again .What colour are they ?
S1: White, blue, pink.
T: Yes, excellent! There are lots of flowers blooming in my school .Flowers blooming in the bed. OK! Let’s listen to the tape. (课件播放)
Let’s read it together!
(Teach the students chant and do the actions. Practice: 小组读,全班读,小组代分句读, 男女读)
Step 3 Change the rhyme
1 Game: Guessing game
T: Let’s play a game ,OK?
Ss: OK!
T: A guessing game. (课件)
Guess! What colour is it?
S1:Yellow ,purple ,orange, green……
T: Good! They are growing in my school, too.
OK! Let’s chant, together! (课件显示)
Flowers orange, flowers yellow.
Flowers growing in my school.
Flowers green, flowers purple.
Flowers blooming in the bed.
(Practice :个别学生读,分小组各自练习。教师从中指点,引导学习更快,更好地改编歌谣。并小组表演,给予评价与鼓励。)
T: Well done .All of you did a good job! Which group wins? Let’s count!
Step 3 Consolidations.
1 Sing a song.
T: Let’s sing a song: Blooming flowers
2 Homework:
Read the rhyme to your parents and sing the song with your friends.

Lesson Fourteen: I love flowers
Flower blooming in the bed.
A flower bed
Flowers white, flowers blue,
Flowers growing in my school.
Flowers pink, flowers red,
Flowers blooming in the bed.


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