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Talking about the time说课、教学设计

Tags: Talking time 中职英语

《Talking about the time》说课稿

教材分析 用英语口语,充分考虑到了职校生英语基础的特点,在本教材中把平时生活所涉及的各方面有机地结合起来,把英语教学中的听,说,读,贯穿到每个单元每个部分之中,比较能够吸引学生的注意力,也能有效阻止教师上课满堂灌情况的发生,比较适合中职学生学习。

执教课题 Talking about the time

本节课特色与创新之处 激发学生学习兴趣、培养信心,教育心理学告诉我们只有学生感兴趣的东西,学生才会积极开动脑筋认真思考,并以最简捷,最有效的方法获得最必要的知识,这就是求知欲,可以说,没有兴趣就没有求知欲。当学生初学英语时,兴趣都很浓厚,但随着学习难度所增加,到了职高阶段,出现了语法不懂,单词记不住,甚至有些学生连音标都不会,逐渐失去了学习英语的信心,产生了畏难情绪,甚至产生了放弃英语的想法。在这个关键时刻,我首先鼓舞士气,从最基本的单词开始教学,而且在引导学生积极投入课堂的教学中来,同时,继续采用新奇而具有“刺激”的教学手段,如配合录音、问答竞赛等等,以帮助学生维持兴趣。

Talking about the time教学设计

Teaching aims:
1. To learn how to talk about the time.
2. To emphasize the ways of talking about time.
3. To cultivate the students’ ability of listening, speaking.
Teaching requirements:
1. The students grasp the ways of expressing apologies.
2. The students preview the ways of expressing time.
Key points:
1.               The students can preview the ways of talking the time
Difficult points:
Talking about the time orally and fluently.
Teaching procedures
1.               Warming-up (2’)
2.               Revision (8’)
3.Presentation. (15’)
4. Consolidating. (13’)
5. Summarizing. (1’)
6. Assigning homework. (1’)

1.Invite some students to act out how to express aplologies..
2.Introduce a weekly idiom
                 Take a back seat
A: You need more hands, don’t you?
B: Yes, they’re very hard to come by.
A: But why not put Jim and Peter in charge of the work?
B: They know nothing about this kind of work, so they’re have to take a back seat.
1.Let all the students in the class act out how to express apologies.
2.Do some quick responding according to expressing apologies.
1.       learn how to express the time according to the clock.
2.       let some student read out the imitation.
3.       choose some students to act out the dialogues. 
4.       useful expressions
Could you tell me the time?
Excuse me, what’s the time by your watch?
What’s the time now?
Do you know what time it is?
Does the clock tell the right time?
   It’s a quarter to ten.
    It’s ten past twelve.
    It’s eleven fifteen.
    My watch goes a bit fast.
    My watch is two minutes slow.
四: Consolidation
1.          Listen to the tape and read after the tape.
2.          Listen to the MP3 and finish the works.
    A: Hello, Professor Smith, I would like to talk with you. Do you have time? What would be a good time for you?
B: Well, what about you?
A: How about tomorrow afternoon?
B: Tomorrow, well, I am kind of busy. How about the day after tomorrow?
A: Well, I have classes in the morning the day after tomorrow.
B: Then, let’s do it in the afternoon.
A: That sounds good. Thank you. I will call you again tomorrow and you will let me know what time is good for you.
B: All right. I’ll talk to you then
A: I want to discuss with you about the issue we covered last time. Can I meet you some time this week?
B: This week?I am tied up this week.
A: Harry does not want to see me, does he?
B: No, how could that be? What about next week? I have time next week.
A: Well, let’s meet next week then.
B: See you then.
3.          Do some quick responding according to talking about the time.
五: Summary
 Summarize what we have learned today.
六: Homework
1.           Read the dialogues fluently and try to recite them.
2.           Copy the dialogues twice..


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