
Unit 8 What’s the weather like?教案

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New Century Primary English 4B
Unit 8 What’s the weather like?
1. 掌握单词rain, sun, wind, snow, cloud及他们的形容词rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy.
2. 初步掌握句型What’s the weather like?
3. 能理解并正确朗读Wonderland.
4. 掌握句型What’s the weather like? 能用其来询问天气。
5. 能正确朗读Mini Dialogue.并进行表演。
6. 能根据老师提供的句型,创编对话并进行表演。
7. 掌握单词及词组:still, in bed, shine, go for a picnic, look outside, go to the beach, listen to the weather forecast.
8. 能在理解的基础上,正确朗读课文What’s the weather like?并分角色进行表演。
9. 能根据课文内容完成Questions and answers.
10. 能根据实际情况完成On your own.
11. 能正确朗读Pair work,并进行表演, 能与同学合作改编Pair Work, 并进行表演。
12. 能用正确的语音、语调诵读Rhyme—Pat a cake,节奏基本正确。
13. 掌握字母组合wh的读音。
14. 能基本读懂短文Weather的内容,并完成练习。
单词rain, sun, wind, snow, cloud及他们的形容词rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy.
句型What’s the weather like?
单词rain, sun, wind, snow, cloud及他们的形容词rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy.的区别及正确运用。
1st Wonderland
2nd Farmland
3rd Grand Theatre + Questions and answers
4th On your own + Pair work
5th Rhyme+ Music Box
6th Kid’s Palace
tape recorder ppt

Lesson Plan (1)
1. 掌握单词rain, sun, wind, snow, cloud及他们的形容词rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy.
2. 初步掌握句型What’s the weather like?
3. 能理解并正确朗读Wonderland.
单词rain, sun, wind, snow, cloud及他们的形容词rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy.
单词rain, sun, wind, snow, cloud及他们的形容词rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, cloudy.的区别及正确运用。
Pre-task preparation
Let’s say a rhyme
Wet, wet, I can feel the rain. Windy, windy, I can feel the wind.
Sunny, sunny, I can feel the sun. Snowy, snowy, I can feel the snow.
While-task procedure
Task 1 Learn the sentence pattern: What’s the weather like?
If you want to know the weather, what can you ask?
1. Learn the sentence What’s the weather like?
(1) Learn the word weather.
(2) Read the sentence together.
Task 2 Learn the new words
1. cloudy, cloud
Let’s ask together: What’s the weather like? ( It’s cloudy.)
(1) Read and spell the word cloudy.
(2) Pay attention to the pronunciation of ‘ou’.
(3) Ask a questions: What can you see in the sky in a cloudy day?
(4) Learn cloud
(5) Know that cloud is a noun, cloudy is an adjective.
(6) Learn the phrase: dark clouds
Are the clouds white? (No, they are dark clouds.)
Read the phrase together.
2. rainy, rain
There are many dark clouds in the sky, we know…( It’s going to rain.)
(1) Read and spell the word rain.
(2) Pay attention to the pronunciation of ‘ai’
(3) Learn the phrases: light rain, heavy rain
What can you hear?
Read these phrases
What do you wear on a rainy day?
(4) Read and spell the word rainy
(5) Read some phrases: a rainy afternoon the rainy season a rainy climate
(6) Ask and answer
What do you use on a rainy day?
What do you drink on a rainy day?
How do you feel on a rainy day?
(7) Learn wet and humid
Read some phrases: humid weather humid air
wet clothes, wet grass a wet day, a wet season.
3. sun sunny
Show some pictures and ask: What’s the weather? ( It’s rainy. It’s sunny.)
(1) Read and spell sunny
(2) Learn sun.
Which weather do you like, rainy days or sunny days? Why?
(3) Read and spell sun.
(4) Learn the phrase: in the sun
What do you do in the sun?
Make sentences: Sb does/do sth in the sun.
(5) Learn warm hot dry.
How do you feel in a sunny day?
In spring I feel ______
In summer, I feel _______
In autumn, I feel _______.
4. Learn snow snowy
Answer the question: What’s the weather like? ( It’s snowy.)
(1) Read and spell snowy.
(2) Answer the question: What can you do on snowy days?
(3) Learn cool cold chilly freezing
How do you feel on snowy days?
5. Windy wind
What can you hear? ( I can hear the wind.)
(1) Read and spell wind.
What’s the weather like? (It’s windy.)
(2) Read and spell windy.
How is the wind? Is it blowing hard? Can we fly a kite?(No)
(2) Learn breezy.
Post-task activities
Task 1. Read these words and sentences
1. Listen to the tape and read after it.
2. Read it by yourselves.
Task 2. Do some exercise
rain rainy
Listen to the ________.Pitter-pat! Pitter-pat! It’s a _______ day.
snow snowy
What a ______ day! There is ________every where.
sun sunny
What a _______ day! The ____ is shining.
cloud cloudy
There are many ______ in the sky. It is a _______day.
wind windy
Whoo-whoo! The ____ blows and blows. It is a _______day.
On board
Unit 9
rain rainy
snow snowy
sun sunny
cloud cloudy
wind windy
1. Copy the new words.
2. Listen and read.
Lesson Plan (2)
1. 掌握句型What’s the weather like? 能用其来询问天气。
2. 能正确朗读Mini Dialogue.并进行表演。
3. 能根据老师提供的句型,创编对话并进行表演。

句型What’s the weather like?
Pre-task preparation
Read wonderland
While-task procedure
Task 1. Practice the sentence pattern.
1. Review the sentence pattern.
How to ask weather?
2. Read the sentence group by group.
3. Practice
Show some pictures and ask what’s the weather like? ( Students answer. Ask and answer one by one.)
Task 2. Learn the mini dialogue.
1. Listen to the tape.
2. Answer the questions: What’s the weather like tomorrow? Do they like rainy days?
3. Listen to the tape again and read after it.
4. Play the mini dialogue.
5. Read the words together sunny rainy cloudy windy snowy foggy breezy dry warm hot fine cool chilly cold humid
6. Try to make a new dialogue.
Post-task activities
Task 1 Make a new dialogue
1. Read the example
A: Tom, what’s the weather like tomorrow?
B: It’s sunny. I can go to the park with my friends.
A: I like sunny days. I can play football outside.
B: Me, too.
2. Try to make a new one
A: _____, what’s the weather like tomorrow?
B: It’s _________. I can/ I can’t ____________.
A: I like/don’t like _________. I can/I can’t __________.
B: Me, too./ Me, neither.
(1) Prepare in groups.
(2) Act it out.
On board
Unit 9
What’s the weather like?
1. Listen and read.
2. Finish the exercise on work book Page 69.
3. Rewrite the sentence.
(1) It’s sunny today.
(2) It’s a cloudy day.
(3) It’s hot and dry in summer in Beijing.
(4) It’s hot and humid in summer in Shanghai.
(5) It’s snowy in winter in Japan.
Lesson Plan (3)
1. 掌握单词及词组:still, in bed, shine, go for a picnic, look outside, go to the beach, listen to the weather forecast.
2. 能在理解的基础上,正确朗读课文What’s the weather like?并分角色进行表演。
3. 能根据课文内容完成Questions and answers.
单词及词组:still, in bed, shine, go for a picnic, look outside, go to the beach, listen to the weather forecast.
对Can… 表示题意的句子的回答。
Pre-task preparation
Task 1. Daily talk
What’s the weather today?
What’s the weather tomorrow?
What weather do you like best? Why?
While-task procedure
Task 1 Learn paragraph 1
1. Listen to the tape.
2. Answer the questions: What day is today?
What is Tom doing?
What’s the weather like today?
What are Tom and his mother going to do?
4. Learn the words and phrases: still, in bed, go for a picnic, shine
5. Read the text together.
Task 2 Learn paragraph 2
1. Listen to the tape
2. Answer the questions: What day is it?
What is Tom doing?
What do you wear on a rainy day? What do you use on a rainy day?
3. Learn the words and phrases: look outside
4. Read the text together.
Task 3 Learn paragraph 3
1. Listen to the tape
2. Answer the questions: What day is it?
Who is at home?
What are they going to do?
3. Learn the words and phrases: nice breeze
4. Read the text together.
Task 4. Learn paragraph 4
1. Listen to the tape
2. Answer the questions: What day is today?
Can Tom and his father go to the beach? Why?
3. Learn the words and phrases: go to the beach, listen to the weather forecast, next Sunday, storm
4. Read the text together.
5. Know we can’t go out when there is a thunder storm. We can’t hide under trees when there is a thunder storm.
Post-task activities
Task 1. Read the passage together.
1. Read the passage together.
2. Play the text.
Task 2. Finish Questions and answers.
1. Finish questions and answers.
2. Check the answers.
On board
Unit 9 What’s the weather like?
still, in bed, go for a picnic, shine
look outside
nice breeze
go to the beach, listen to the weather forecast, next Sunday, storm
1. Listen and read after the tape.
2. Try to recite the text.
3. Exercise:
Multiple choice.
(1) ______ umbrella is yours? A. What B. How many C. Which
(2) It’s __________ today. A. shining day B. a hot day C. storm
(3) The sun is shining heavily. Put on your _______. A. sunglasses B. cups C. clothes.
(4) We have ___________ snow here. A. lot of B. much C. many
(5) Who _______ cloudy days? A. like B. likes C. do like
(6) A: I don’t like foggy days. B: ______. A. Me, neither. B. So can I C. So do I.
(7) We can’t read books _______ the sun. A. on B. under C. in
(8) Can you ____ the wind? Yes, we can . A. see B. touch C. feel
Lesson Plan (4)
1. 能根据实际情况完成On your own.
2.能正确朗读Pair work,并进行表演。
3.能与同学合作改编Pair Work, 并进行表演。
书面,口头完成On your own.
改编Pair Work,并进行表演。
Pre-task preparation
1. Recite the text: What’s the weather like?
2. Daily talk What’s the weather like in Shanghai? What’s the weather like in Beijing?
What weather do you like best? Why?
While-task procedure
Task 1 Finish On your own
1. Finish On your own
What can you do on a sunny day?
Do you often listen to the weather forecast?
What’s the weather like tomorrow?
What weather do you like best? Why?
2. Ask and answer in pairs.
Task 2 Learn Pair Work
1. Pair Work 1
(1) Listen to the tape and read after it.
(2) Learn: make a shopping free, plan, go cycling
(3) Read the Pair work 1 together.
(4) Play the dialogue.
2. Pair work 2
(1) Listen to the tape and read after it.
(2) Learn: stay at home go to the movies Do as you like.
(3) Read the Pair work 2 together.
(4) Play the dialogue.
Post-task activities
Task 1 Make a new dialogue
1. A: Are you free today,______?
B: ________. What’s your plan?
A: Let’s ________. It’s _________.
B: Good idea. Let’s go./All right./ Great./ Hurray.
2. A: Can I __________, Mum?
B: Go and ask your dad.
A: Can I ___________? I don’t want to ____________.
B: Sure/Of course./ Certainly. Do as you like.
3. Prepare in pairs
4. Act it out.
On board
Unit 9
What can you do on a sunny day?
Do you often listen to the weather forecast?
What’s the weather like tomorrow?
What weather do you like best? Why?
1. Listen and read after the tape.
2. Finish the exercise on work book Page 70~71.
3. Exercise
1. How are you?
2. What weather do you like?
3. What’s the weather like now?
4. What do you do in the sun?
5. Is it wet today?
Lesson Plan (5)
1. 能用正确的语音、语调诵读Rhyme—Pat a cake,节奏基本正确。
2. 掌握字母组合wh的读音。
Pre-task preparation
Task 1 Daily talk: What can you do on a sunny day?
Do you often listen to the weather forecast?
What’s the weather like tomorrow?
What weather do you like best? Why?
While-task procedure
Task 1 Learn Rhyme
1. Listen to the tape and read after it.
2. Learn: pat, prick,mark, oven, as fast as you can
3. Read the rhyme together.
4. Read the rhyme group by group.
Task 2 Learn Music Box
1. Learn /w/
(1) Read it together.
(2) Know ‘wh’ can be pronounced as /w/
(3) Try to read
(4) Read the words together.
2. Learn /h/
(1) Read it together.
(2) Know ‘wh’ can be pronounced as /h/
(3) Try to read
(4) Read the words together.
Post-task activities
Task 1 Finish the listening exercise on work book.
1. Finish the listening exercise on work book.
2. Check the answers.
On board
Unit 9
wh /w/ where when which
wh /h/ who whose whom
1. Listen and read after the tape.
2. Finish the exercise on work book of Unit 9.
Lesson Plan (6)
Pre-task preparation
Task 1. Read rhyme and music box
While-task procedures
Task 1 Finish the exercise
1. Read the text by yourselves
2. Finish the exercise bellow.
3. Check the answers.
Task 2. Learn the text
1. Ask questions about the text.
2. Know the meaning of the text.
3. Read the text together.
Post-task activities
Task 1 Reading comprehension
Read the text and finish the exercise
It’s a beautiful sunny day. There isn’t a cloud in the sky. It’s also windy. The wind is cool. The sky is blue and clear. Mike and I want to have a picnic under the tree. It’s so beautiful here. The sea is blue. The sand is golden. The leaves are green. I like sunny days! Look there. A kite is flying in the sky. Oh, no, it looks like Mike’s hat!
1. What’s the weather like that day?
2. What colour is the sea?
3. What are they going to do?
4. Where are they?
5. What is flying in the sky?
Task 2 Check the answers on work book.
1. Review Unit 9
2. Exercise
Rewrite the sentences
It’s sunny today.
I like cloudy days.
We are going to plant trees next Sunday.
The boys are flying planes on the grass.
Our teachers are singing an English song. (用who 提问)