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人教版英语八年级上册Unit 4 How do you get to school说课稿

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 初中英语八年级上册 第四单元

Go for it . Unit 4 How do you get to school? (Page 19)
Part 1. Analysis of the teaching materials 教材内容分析
In this unit the central topic is transportation; the main language function is talking about the students how to get to school. Based on this central topic and related to the students’ daily life; the picture in the textbook can help to student understanding. And it will practice the students’ reading, listening and speaking skills.

本单元的中心语题是“Transportation” 交通工具。围绕“学生是怎么去上学的,用什么交通工具去上学的。”掌握学科的表达,各部分都是围绕这个话题而进行的设计。该课是突出交通工具词汇使用能力的培养,通过听,说,读,写的全面训练,提高学生初步运用英语的能力。初中英语八年级上册第四单元的课文是一篇对话课文,它的材料结合生活实际,功能意义明确。

Part 2. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求
1. the aims of the knowledge 知识目标

1) Vocabulary 词汇

能理解运用以下单词:subway, train, bicycle, boat, car, town, forty, fifty, sixty… hundred, minute, take, by, far, kilometer, shower, quick, early, mile, stop, north, part, river, must, more, than, ill, worry, so, much, etc.

2). Phrases and expressions 短语
By bus, bus stop, by boat, ride one’s bike, train station, subway station, bus station, etc.

3) Sentence 句子
A: How do you get to school?
B: I take the subway.

A: How far is it from your home to school?
B: it’s three miles.

A: How long does it take you to get from home to school?
B: It takes 25 minutes.

2. The aims of abilities 能力目标
To improve the abilities of getting information by reading, listening and speaking.


3. The aims of moral education 德育目标
Telling the students how to civil bus ride in the social life, and let them know about the relationship between transportation and the environment.


4. The teaching emphasis and difficulties教学重点和难点
a) New words and phrases b) To get the ability of acquiring information
The transportations usage in phrases: 交通工具在短语中的应用
ride the bicycle / take a car/ take the subway/ take the train/ take the bus…

Part2 The teaching aids 教学工具
some pictures,tape recorder, and the blackboard,etc.

Part3 The teaching and learning methods 教学方法
Step1. Lead-in 导入
Using some of picture or PowerPoint to introduce the different kinds of transportations, and ask the students to state their own ways.

T: How do you get to school? S: I ride my bike.
T: How does he get to school? S: He walks to school.
T: How do they get to school? S: They take the train.
T: How long does it take? S: It takes about forty minutes.
(Set up a scene to arouse the enthusiasm of students, questioning and answering to each other in the class.)

Step2. Pre-task前期任务
Use the pictures on the blackboard to teach some new words.
For example: subway, train, bicycle, bus, car, boat, etc.

Practice in pairs or groups focus on the centre topic--transportation.
A: How do you get to school?
B: Well, I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.
A: How long does it take?
B: It takes about 25minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.

Finish the exercise in the textbook.

Part 5 The plan of the blackboard板书设计
Name How do you go to school How long How do you go to Kunming
Liu mei


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