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新版人教版英语五年级下册说课稿 Unit 3 Welcome to our school


Unit 3 Welcome to our school. Lesson 13
一、 教材分析: 本课是新版人教版小学英语五年级下册第三单元第一课时。本课是一个对话,要求 学生能听、说、读、写出以下单词:school, classroom, library, borrow 并能在真实的语境中灵活运用。能运用下面的句型进行交流:Welcome to our school. We often borrow books from the library. 本课学习重点是能够介绍所在学校的各种设施,使学生通过本课的听、说、读、写,达到在真实的情景中,灵活运用所学知识进行交流的能力。
二、学情分析:通过近五年的英语学习,学生们已经具备了一定的口语表达能力阅读能 力。学生步入五年级之后,随着年龄的增长,不再像以往那样课上容易调动,性格内敛的学生随年级的增长逐步增多。因此在教学中就要采取灵活多样的教学形式,创设适合于学生的教学情境,提高学生在阅读中输入和内化语言、重组并输出语言的能力,同时注重趣味性,让学生体验学习语言的快乐。不断激发他们的竞争与合作意识,使他们保持学习英语的兴趣。 学校设施:school, classroom这两个单词和Welcome to our school.这句话在三年级的时候学过,这些内容学生都已能灵活运用,为此学生学习本课的单词应该不难。 但重点句型We often borrow books from the library.学生比较陌生,需在新课的学习中做重点的巩固理解,强化识记。用一般现在时简要介绍图书馆的功能,在课上应做重点讲解。
三、 教学目标:
1. 能听、说、读、写出以下单词:school, classroom, library, borrow 并能在真实的语境中灵活运用。
2.能运用下面的句型进行交流: Welcome to our school. We often borrow books from the library.
3. 能朗读课文。
3、基本掌握句型Welcome to our school. We often borrow books from the library.
﹙3﹚情感目标: 培养学生积极学习英语的态度;使学生之间能团结协作,发扬合作精神;在此基础上乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教,养成良好的学习习惯。
1. 积极与他人配合,共同完成学习任务。
3. 主动向老师或同学请教。
4. 对所学内容能主动练习和实践。
四、教学准备:课件、 图片 、 课本
1、教师拿出事先准备好的图片,一张是park,一张是fly kites.
T: Look at these pictures. Can you make a sentence with two phase?
S: Yes. We fly kites in the park.
T: We’ve learnt a lot of words. Let’s have a race.
Group One: Say some words about place (说出以前学过的地点词汇) 如: bank, hospital, hotel, park, zoo, farm, school „.
Group Two: Say some words about verbs (说出以前学过的表动作的词汇) 如: play, study, see the doctors, see the animals„. 从两组分别选词造句 (替换练习) eg. This is a zoo. We often see the animals at the zoo.
2、Learn the new words T: I want to introduce four new words and phrases to you。 看图学习:school, classroom, library,borrow books This is our library. We borrow books from library. A:给学生三分钟,快速记忆。 B:做动作,猜地点。 学完本课词汇后你的收获 名词变复数: library--libraries 反义词: borrow(借入)--lend(借出)
1. 让学生看着屏幕的图片,然后听教师用英文描述场景:Mr Green and some people come to visit Li Yan's school. Mr Lin, the headmaster, asks Li Yan to show them around and introduce the school as a guide. In the picture, the man on the left is Mr. Lin. The girl with long hair is Li Yan. The man talking to Li Yan is Mr Green. There are some other visitors behind Mr Green.
2. 利用计算机软件,让学生讨论,明确人物间的关系
Where are they?
Who is the girl?
Who is the headmaster?
Can you guess what they are talking about?
3.小组合作交流:(听力练习)带着问题听两遍课文并回答问题 Who will show Mr Green around the school?
Do the students often go to the library?
What do the pupils borrow from the library?
What do the pupils often do in the library?
4. 全班齐读课文
5. 学以致用:通过本课学习,你掌握了哪些语言点?你能从下面的句子中找出重点词组并造句吗? A. Let me show you around. show sb. around 带„„参观 eg. The teacher shows the new students around. B. We borrow books from the library. borrow„from 从„„借入 eg. I borrow a long ruler from LiYan.
2、 互动游戏: 师生共同学习和补充表示校园场所的单词或词组。
Dorm 宿舍 Gate-house传达室
Dining Room 餐厅 Teachers’ Room教师办公室 Reading Room 阅览室 Meeting Room 会议室
Men’s Room 男厕所 Women’s Room 女厕所
Gymnasium 体育馆 Music room 音乐教室 Dancing room 舞蹈教室 Computer room 微机室 Laboratory 实验室 Playground 操场
Auditorium大礼堂 Broadcasting studio广播室
(四)一课一得 用所给词的适当形式填空
1.Tom, _______ games in the classroom. (not play)
2. Please ______ the windows and air the room. (open)
3. Let Dick _______ to see his grandmother. (go)
4. ______ your sister often ______ TV? (watch)
5. My little brother likes ______ with his pet dog. (play)
6. Shall I ______ you the way to the teacher’s room? (show)
7. There ______ an apple and an orange in my bag. (be)
8. ______ your things here, boys and girls. (not leave)
9. Let _____ show you around ______ home. (I)
10. The ______ are very big in Tianjin. (library)
1. Copy the words and sentences. 抄写本课单词和句型。
2. Introduce your school to your parents. 用英语向你的父母介绍你的学校。
3. Recite the article. 背诵课文

(六) 板书设计:
Unit3 Welcome to our school!
Lesson 13
school, Welcome to our school.
classroom, We often borrow books from the library


新版人教版英语五年级下册说课稿 Unit 3 Welcome to our schoo...

