
PEP四上 Unit5 What would you like for dinner?教案




What would you like for dinner?

( Unit5,Book3 ,PEP) 


Part A Let’s talk

Mike: Dad, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?

Dad: Wait and see.

Dad: What would you like?

Mike: I’d like some rice and soup.

Dad: What would you like for dinner?

Mom: I’d like some fish and vegetables, please.

Dad: Everything’s ready.

Mom: Thanks.

Mike: Thank you , Dad.



1) Words----复习巩固与食物有关的单词;

2) Sentences----熟练掌握下列句子,并能熟练运用。

a. What would you like for dinner? I’d like some ……

b. I’m hungry.

c. What’s for dinner?

d. Wait and see.

e. Everything’s ready.

3) Function----掌握向他人提供正餐以及表达自己喜好时的具体表达方法。


1) 在教学过程中培养学生学习兴趣,帮助他们树立信心。

2) 使学生在学习过程中能够注意并理解他人情感。



What would you like for dinner? I’d like some ……


a) 饮料和食物等物品的小图片、大托盘;

b) 一个用于引出各教学环节的大转盘(“加盖的锅”),里面画有各种食物 ;

c) 围裙、纸锅铲

d) 磁带2盒

e) 调查表格、小韵文等。



1.Free talk

T:Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

My name’s…, what’s your name, please?

How old are you?…

What do you like?

(I like…/…/…)

Do you like music/sports?


2.T: OK! Let’s do.

(播放PEP Book1中教过的Let’s do: Pour the water/cut the bread/make the cake…)Listen and act.

Step 2.Presentation

1.T: Suppose it is 6 o’clock now.(拿出手工制作的闹钟,贴在黑板上)。It’s time to have dinner. Are you hungry?(say it with gesture.)

Ss(with help): Yes, I’m hungry. (show the new sentence and stick it on Bb)

Read the new sentence and act it one by one. (Individually)

T: Miss li is a good cook. Let’s go to my home and have dinner. (Ss: OK!/Great!/Super…)

T(简笔画一房子在黑板上): Here we are. Welcome to my home.

2. T引导学生问:Hi, Miss Li! I’m hungry. What’s for dinner? (show the new sentence and stick it on Bb)

Say it with actions.(individually/in groups/by whole class)

T: Wait and see. (在kitchen里贴上一个圆状锅,再添上“火”,老师系上围裙作炒菜状) (Repeat it after the teacher.)

T: Who wants to be Miss Li? (请一两生上来表演炒菜,并说:Wait and see.)


Now, everything’s ready. (show the new sentence and stick it on Bb)

Guess! What’s for dinner?

(教师撕下圆盘其中一圆圈,出现一个食物。学生回答如:A hotdog.

教师继续转盘,学生齐喊:Wait! Wait! Wait !Wait and see.


4.Let’s chant:

Gu Lu Lu! I’m hungry.

Mmm! What’s for dinner?

Hey! Hey! Hey! Wait and see.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Fish! Fish! Fish!



1)T:Good!Look, fish is ready. Soup is ready. Hamburger is…(请个别学生举例说)

2)四大组分轮流chant: e.g: G1:Soup is ready.

G2: Fish is ready.

G3: Beef is ready.

G4: Hotdog is ready.

G1、2、3、4:Ready. Ready. Ready.

Everything’s ready.

Open you eyes.(教师掀掉“盖子”)

T: Wow! What a big dinner! I’d like some beef and vegetables. (repeat it twice, then show the new sentence and stick it on Bb)


T: What would you like for dinner? (贴在上面一句的上一行)

请个别学生回答:I’d like some….

6.learn to say: What would you like for dinner?

Listen and repeat. Ask and answer in pairs.

7.Let’s play------ say the most.


S1: What would you like for dinner?

S2: I’d like some bread. What would you like for dinner?

S3: I’d like some bread and chicken. What would you like for dinner?

S4: I’d like some bread、chicken and fish. What would you like for dinner?

S1: I’d like some bread、chicken、fish and hotdogs

Check some groups

8.Let’s chant:

e.g. What would you like? What would you like?

What would you like for dinner?

I’d like some…. I’d like some….

I’d like some fish.(替换)

全班击掌chant, 同时请上5位学生玩抢四角游戏,在四角外的学生说最后一句:I’d like some……


T: What would you like for dinner, …?

Sx: I’d like some hotdogs. (师摘下hotdog图片给他)(师示范说2-3个)

T: Who can be the little teacher.


T:Oh, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?

请最后一生问老师:What would you like for dinner?

Step3.Task—make a survey

T: Oh, Guess. What would Miss Li like for dinner?


Read it together: Miss Li would like some rice, soup and vegetables.

What would your friends around like for dinner?

Please, make a survey. (让学生自由采访)

抽2个四人小组在投影上展示采访结果,并汇报,如: …/she /he would like some …

Step4. 1)Listen to the dialogue

T: Do you know what Mike/Mike’s mother would like for dinner?

Listen to the tape, then answer the question.

2)T:This is Mike’s family.They are having dinner . Now, we are all at Miss Li’s home(板书课题), what will happen at my home? Here comes a short play.

(Demonstrate a short play with several students in the front).

Act out a short play with your classmates around.

Check some groups.

Step5. Say “goodbye” to the teachers. Sing a song what would you like.