
广州版英语六年级上册Module 2 Unit 4 I Know This City!教学设计


二).Presentation and practice:
T:What country do you know?
P:The UK./…
T:What’s the capital of the UK/…?
P:London./The capital of the UK is London./…
T:What national flag is it ? It’s the national flag of the UK.
(1)操练方法:一、二列TP问答,第三列后PP问答,同时板书并学习上句子:What’s the capital of …? The capital of … is …. 和What national flag is it ? It’s…. 及单词flag, national, national flag,Italian。
(4)四人小组记忆练习:Card Game:看谁反应快,T先示范一次。
玩法:每个学生手上拿着一套3个有关首都单词的卡片,分别用句型What’s the capital of …? 轮着提问,当一学生问完后,其余学生边答边以最快速度把相应答案的卡片放在桌子上,谁手上的全部卡片掉得最快就说Bingo。(卡片先放信封里)
Guessing game: A riddle.由小组根据表格内容自己设计riddle考对方。
⑴TP示范: Now let’s play a game. Listen and guess: What national flag is it ?
T手上拿起一张有关国旗的纸,国旗背对学生,学生看不见国旗:This is a flag. It’s red. And there are five yellow stars on it. Guess,what national flag is it ? 如学生回答不出,老师可以给更多有关国旗或国家相关资料的Tips:And there are five yellow stars on it.You can see the Great Wall there.等。
引导P:It’s the Chinese national flag.
2. 课文学习:
(1)The first time: Listen and fill in the form:找出课文谈论的国家:
country 1 2 3 4 5 6
(2)The second time: listen ,order and stick .(Group work)
(3) Check the answers. 学习New York, Sydney。
3.(1)T根据课文内容提取主要信息重编一段短文:Put in the missing words:
Every country has its own capital city. For example, the capital of China is Beijing. The capital of the UK is London. And Rome is the capital city of Italy. Paris is a romantic city, it is the capital of France. New York is the biggest city of the USA. But it is not the capital of America. The capital of the USA is Washington D.C.. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. But it isn’t the capital city, either. The capital of Australia is Canberra.

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