

  • 发布时间:2013-01-15 16:13:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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Teaching aims:
1. To learn the Present Continuous Tense.
2. To use the Present Continuous Tense in suitable situations.
3. To improve the Ss’ abilities in using the language.
Vocabulary: this, that, in English, a , an, clock, and, pencil, pen, room, book, map, desk, cup, bag, computer, bed, pear, cake, banana, apple, orange, egg, bike, bus, car, look, Chinese, Japanese
Explain: pencil box, keyboard, ruler, sharpener, eraser, mouse, jeep Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming up
Enjoy the song I’m Speaking to You on the Phone. When the bell rings, ask the question “What is he doing right now?”
Ss: He’s making a telephone right now?
T: Can I make a phone call right now?
Ss: No, you can’t. T: Why? Ss: Because you are having class.
T: Yes . I can’t make a phone call right now .I’m having a class(write the sentences on the blackboard and read them ).
Step 2: Leading in
T: I’m your new teacher and I have told you I’m from Shao xing Shangyu Chunhui Foreign Language School. What else do you know about me? Let students think for a moment and then ask them to guess.
S1: Do you like watching TV?
T: Yes. And do you like watching TV?
Ss: Yes.
T: But can we watch TV right now?
Ss: No. We can’t watch TV right now.
T: Why can’t? Ss. We are having class.
T: Well done. (Take out a chocolate and give it a student as a reward.) I also like eating chocolate .Do you like eating chocolate?
Ss. Yes.
T: Can we eat now?
Ss: No. We can’t eat chocolate right now. We are having class.
T: And I also like doing housework. Show some photos in which the teacher is doing some housework, and ask them what am I doing.
S2: You are doing the dishes
S3: You are feeding your daughter.
S4: You are cooking dinner (Show my wife’s photo to the student as a reward). Step 3: Drill and Practice
T: Your also have some your family photos .Can you talk about what your family members are doing in your photos? First tell your partner what your family members are doing in your photos.(For about 2 minutes) T: Now could you tell us what your partner’ family members are doing in the photos. You can begin like this: This is the Mendoza family. Luis Mendoza is studying…The Mendoza family is very busy today Ask some students to talk about the photos like that. The Mendoza family is very busy. What are they doing? Let’ listen and Ask s students to look at the chart and read the whole sentences like Debbie is making lunch.
Step 4: Task 1
T: Suppose you are Steve and you want to talk to your friends. But all of them are very busy right now. Use your imagination (想像)to make some phone calls. 想像) You can begin like this: Steve: Hello, Debbie? This is Steve. Debbie: Hi. How are you doing? Steve: Pretty good. How about you? Debbie: Okay. Listen, I can’t… Steve: …
Step 5: Consolidation
T: You have done a good job. Now let’s have a break and enjoy the video. When the students are listening, ask them to answer what Coffy is doing. Ask students to talk about the video while they are watching.
T: You are good at talking about sports and I think you will be a good narrator in the future like Wang Lin
T: We know Beijing will hold the Olympic Games in 470 days and now CCTV 5 wants a narrator for Sports News during 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in our school. If you are interested in it, call 0575-2982386.
Task 1: Watch the video and talk about what is happening in groups. Recommend (推荐) the best one in the group.
Task 2: The students from the different groups give us a live report. See who ca n be the best narrator in our class. Step 6: Homework Watch your classmates or teachers carefully after class and write down what t hey are doing.
反思: 内容分析 本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”( Identifying objects )。用英语去确认周围的常见事物比较符 合初学者学习英语的实际情况。 “认物”虽有多种不同的表示方法,但最基本的表达方法是 What’s this/that in English? 教师有必要使学生对这些句型能够熟练、灵活的掌握,但在实际操作中应尽量避 免“明知故问”的倾向,这样更能突出应用性原则。本单元出现了大量的实义词,在教学时可以首先让 学生把这些实义词进行归类,再通过情景教学时的听、说、读、写等语言实践活动,使学生掌握词义和 词的用法。并培养学生按拼读规则拼读单词的能力,改变那种死记硬背单词拼法的不当做法。 单词教学 本单元出现了大量的实义词, 在单词中,应以学生自学为主,教师引导为辅的教学原则,充分体现 学生的主体性。可让学生根据所学单词的读音,进行迁移。如:up---cup an---and book---look is---this us---bus 教师在教授单词之前,应让学生先仔细观察,在学生发现它们中的联系之后,让 学生把这些单词进行分类如:文具类、交通工具类、食品类、计算机部件等。除此之外,教师应有意识 地培养学生按拼读规则拼读单词的能力,改变死记硬背的不当做法。 词汇教学 在教学本单元的单词时,要把一些图解和文字挂在墙上供学生参照。这对他们理解所学单词的意思 会有很大的帮助。在拼读时,放录音让学生边听边重复,还可以作为听写练习。 教师课前准备好一些要学单词的实物,如:钢笔、铅笔、尺子、橡皮等,上课时,举起铅笔教学生: pen,让学生跟着读。同时,也可以利用学生有的实物进行单词教学,这样学生就容易理解并记忆。教完 之后,又可以让学生就他们所拥有的文具实物进行单词复习和巩固,如:学生指着他的书包说:bag, b-a-g, bag。 口语教学 “认物”是本单元的核心内容。它在口语教学中,应当贯穿始终。在教学确认物品时,可以直接使 用实物(如:铅笔,书等),进行提问:What’s this? Is this a/an…? 在实际操作时,应尽量避免 明知故问的倾向。可以让学生采用多种猜测的方法。如:全部遮盖物品、局部遮盖物品。教师将需要确 认的物品,用布全部或局部的遮盖起来,让学生触摸,教师或其他学生问:What’s this? Is this a/ an…? 接着请学生移开遮盖物,显露出物品,回答:It’s a/an…. Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. 教 师还可以选择现实生活中,那些不具备常规形状的物品和图形,让学生辨认。教师应引导、鼓励学生加 强观察和想象。此外,还可以让学生进行多项猜测。如:先画一个几何物品,它即可以继续画成物品 A, 也可以继续画成物品 B。 句型教学 本单元的主要句型是:What’s this in English? It’s a/an …。教师可参考上面口语教学时的 各项活动,进行句型的操练。一定要创设一个合乎逻辑、现实生活中常出现的语境,从实际出发,减少 纯句型的练习。 语法教学 a) 关于不定冠词 a/an 的用法。 教师在处理 a 与 an 的区别时, 应把重点还放在准确的句型操练上, 使学生知道应如何使用不定冠词: a 放在以辅音音素开头的词前;an 放在以元音音素(不一定是元音字母)开头的词前,并注意比较以下 用法:a car-----an English car; a desk-----an old desk; an egg----a big egg ;an apple-----a red apple; an orange ----- a good orange b) 在教授指示代词 this/that 时,应以直观、生动的形式加以区分,不必引如指示代词的概念。 c) 在句型训练中,教师应引导学生,注意动词 be 在不同句式中位置的变化,初步接触它的否定形 式。可介绍学生这个口诀: I 用 am , You 用 are。 is 用于 这、那、他、她、它。 复数一律都用 are。 语音教学 在第十六课中,通过两组符合拼读规则的单词归纳了元音字母 Ii 在重读开、闭音节中的读音,使学 生初步体会重读开、闭音节及单词的拼读规则。获得发音和拼读的初步技能。应向学生讲明:音标 /i/ 是单元音,在发音时,唇形和舌位不发生变化。音标 /ai/ 为双元音,在发音时由一个元音向另一个元 音滑动,唇形和舌位都发生相应的变化。 句型 What’s this in English?讲解 What’s this in English? 这是含有特殊疑问词“What”的特殊疑问句。整句话的意思是“这个用英语怎么说?”。in English 可作“在英语中”或“用英语”解。“in+某种语言”表示“用……语言说”的意思。例如 What’s that in French? 那个用法语怎么说? Excuse me! What’s this in Chinese? 请问,这个用汉语怎么说? What's this 与汉语的"这是什么"语序相反, 要注意英语与汉语之间的这一区别。 What's this? 是 What is this?的缩略式。回答 What's this?时,this 要换成 it,可汉语仍译成“这” ,It's ...是 It is...的缩略式。