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新目标九年级上Review of units 1-5说课稿

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新目标九年级上Review of units 1-5说课
一 说教材
我今天上课的题目是:Review of units 1-5.这是一节九年级的复习课。主要复习unit1—unit 5的教学内容。复习的内容分别为:Unit1 How do you study for a test? Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark. Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Unit4 What would you do? Unit5 It must belong to Carla.本节课复习内容齐全,包括听力,单词拼写,阅读训练,翻译训练,单选练习,词形变化等。
二 说重点、难点
三 说突破重难点的方法
listening for key words and specific informantion,presonalizing , role playing , Brainstoming, reflecting and sequencing.
四 说教法
本课的Functions是Review the main contents of units 1-5。Structures为Spelling skills, lisening skills,writing skills。Target language主要为—How do you study? —What would you do if you---?—I used to be afraid of the dark. Vocabulary主要包括funny, activities, music, concert, picnic, plate, mystery, appointment, worried, wake, neighbor, garbage等。Learning strategy is to improve students’ listening skills。

五 说教学步骤:
Step 1: Leading in.
1. Listen to a song ---jiangna style
2. Questions: What dou you think of this song?
It’s funny.
How do you spell funny?
3. complete the following words: activities, music, concert,etc.

Step 2: Read the clues and complete the crossword.
Students do it one by one.

Step3:Listen to the four conversations.Match the conversations with the correct pictures.
Step4: exercises
一 词组翻译
二 单项选择
三 用括号中单词的适当形式填空
Step 5: homework.

六 说板书设计
Review of units 1-5.
Unit1:--- How do you study for a test?
---By doing ---
Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.
used to do sth过去常常做某事
Did --- use to do ---?
Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
Unit4 What would you do?
Unit5 It must belong to Carla.
情态动词表示猜测:must/ can’t/might---



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