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人教新目标版九年级英语说课稿 Receiving money makes me uncomfortable


本文选自人教新目标版九年级中的阅读课文Receiving money makes me uncomfortable. 本单元以„feelings‟为话题,从多个方面,例如氛围、音乐、广告、态度、天气等谈论了外界事物如何影响人的心情感受。本篇阅读是在section A、section B基础上的升华,是一篇关于„接受与馈赠礼物‟之艺术的叙述性阅读。本文围绕„the art of receiving‟,将三位同学接受礼物的小故事以及他们对此的内心独白串联了起来:Guo Xiaojing 12岁时收到父母送的紫色钱包,虽然不中意这份礼物,但为了让父母高兴,仍假装喜欢它;收到祖父母送的橘色外套,却每次只在拜访他们时才穿的Han Ling感叹品位不同使得购置私人的礼物愈发困难;John Wilson则表示„贵在心意‟,比起„现金‟这样的礼物,更看重礼物背后的意义。通过这3个对话,让学生试着感受、理解、描述接受不满意的礼品的感觉以及处理方法,并更深层次地让学生思考接受礼物的艺术性,且能设身处地为„收礼者‟考虑选出一份合适的礼物。
1. 语言知识
(1)要求学生能够掌握以下重点单词、词组:home-made,schoolbag, purple, purse, guilty, taste, thought, count, saying, feel guilty/embarrassed.
I don‟t mind if…, prefer to…, pretend that…, make sb./sth.+adj./+infinitive, would rather do…(than…).
2. 语言技能
3. 情感目标
(1)学生们都有接受礼物和赠送礼物的经历,让学生回顾过往接受礼物经历的同时, 思考如何接受礼物、对待礼物才是合适、得体、称得上„艺术‟。
4. 学习策略
5. 文化意识
6. 教学重点
7. 教学难点
为了更好的落实教学目标,我对教材内容进行了一定程度的改编。例如,摒弃文本开头pairwork  1a 中的例句,保留重点词,编入一个有助于本课开展的故事; section 3中 3a 补全句子的活动作为学生其中一项家庭作业;本文中最后„If you have time!‟的活动提前;保留section4
Step 1 Warming up and lead-in Greeting
Show students a short video clip from „Jimmy Kimmel Live‟ named „I give my kids a terrible present‟, and ask students how they will response if their parents send them an awful present like the presents did in the video.
设计意图:美国ABC电视台《吉米·凯莫直播秀》在节目中播放该视频剪辑,内容为许  Step 2.Please help me choose a wedding gift for her. I don‟t mind if it‟s expensive. 
But I still prefer to something meaningful. Because I heard an English saying: It‟s the thought that counts. And Miss Easy has a good taste.
设计意图:上承这个恶搞礼物的视频,引出老师最近正为选礼物在烦恼,为学生创设一个具体情境:老师的好朋友即将结婚,她们是自高中起的好姐妹,有着许多温馨的友情故事,故老师想选一份有意义的礼物。学生们化身为„礼物咨询师‟,为老师出谋划策。这个情境设定有2个意图:1.使 „为教师的好友准备新婚礼物‟之成为贯穿本课的主线;2.为Receiving money makes me uncomfortable.引出中西方送礼文化差异埋下伏笔:例如中国婚礼文化中送红包是主流,而西方婚礼则为wedding gift list。此外,通过情境创设与图片的辅助,让学生更易理解、熟悉本课新授单词、词组、句型,为之后阅读文章做好准备。
Step 3 Practice
To help our „gift counselors‟, show three alternative choices: a purple purse, an orange sweater and a red envelope. Ask students if they are good choices or which one is the appropriate choice of the wedding gift for the teacher‟s best friend and tell the teacher the reason. Practice in groups according to the following pattern:  I think ... is the right gift. Because if my friend gave me ...,I would feel ...  Receiving ... would make me (feel) ... Encourage students to use the words, phrase and expressions emphasized in previous steps. Ask some students to present their thoughts.
Step 4 While-reading
1. Give each group 5 pieces of paper. Each piece has one paragraph from the article. Let 5 students skim the 5 paragraphs which are in wrong order, find out the main idea of each one and place the pieces into the right order. See which group is the fastest.
2. Close-read the 5 paragraphs respectively again
(a) fill in blanks
(b) Game:Who is the most careful?(Every statement has something wrong. Find it.)  Han Ling disagrees with Guo Xiaojing.  Her parents gave her a red sweater as a Christmas gift.  She used to wear it every day.  She has the same taste as her grandparents.  She thinks it‟s easy to buy clothes or other personal things for people.
(c) Complete John Wilson‟s part with the following words lazy, count, happy, uncomfortable, mind, easier, prefer to, thought, would rather, saying To make things _______, some people _______ just give money. In some cultures, however, from whom how she felt her reaction when what Guo Xiaojing’s gift 6 receiving money can make people _______. “When someone gives me money, it just makes me think they‟re being _______.” says John Wilson. “In England, we have a ______: It‟s the thought that _______. When someone gives me money, I feel they didn‟t think at all. I _______ receive a gift that has some ______ behind it. I don‟t ______ if it‟s something I don‟t need. If someone has thought about a gift for me, it always makes me ______.
3. Retell the stories of Guo Xiaojing, Han Ling and John Wilson one by one with the hints of pictures and key words in a form of mind-mapping (the first case has the most hints, then hints are successively reducing):
After retelling three stories in textbook, students are supposed to personalizing the story. According to the form of mind-mapping, let students discuss and share their stories of some unusual gifts.
Practice how to express a feeling and describe a moment when they felt that way.
Remind them to use the words and expressions mentioned in previous steps.
设计意图:在前几个活动的基础上,利用复述课文来巩固知识点,检测学生掌握知识和 from whom how you felt your reaction when what gift 7 运用的能力。在设计上,借以词汇提示和图片提示的方式。在难度上,第一个人物的提示量最大,然后依次递减。这样安排旨在提高复述课文这一步骤的实效性和目的性。在学生大致都能讲出文中故事之后,引导学生将故事„个人化‟,逐步脱离文中故事的框架和束缚,借助思维导图,练习如何和别人分享自己曾收到的一份„不同寻常‟的礼物。 学生互相分享故事的过程中即可渗透本节课的其中一个情感目标——接受礼物的艺术。
Step 5 After-reading
The three alternative wedding gift choices have been declined. Although sending red envelopes are the main trend when attending a wedding in   China  , choosing a gift on the wedding gift list which is widely acknowledged in west seems better. Show a compare and contrast of red envelopes and wedding gift lists. Explain the „wedding gift list‟ a little bit. Introduce the saying: „It‟s the thought that counts‟ again. Let students enjoy a free talk about opinions of the „culture shock‟.
A:use the words and expressions mentioned in this class to complete the sentences.  Receiving money might make ___________________________________________.  We might pretend to like a gift because ______________________________.  Han Ling wore the sweater______________________________________.  It‟s important to make people feel that _____________________________.It‟s sometimes easier to________________________
B: Mother‟s Day is coming (13th May). Write about a time when your mom gave you a special gift. And then, choose a gift for your mom. Write down the reasons and your thoughts behind it.
设计意图:给不同层次的学生布置了分层的作业,第一部分为补全句子,是对文本内容的巩固复习;第二部分结合实际,让学生具体应用本课所学中心思想。这样的设计旨在 8 体现作业布置的层次性、多样性、灵活性,调动学生的积极性,提高对于作业的重视态度,从而真正将知识从单一的记忆转化为积


人教新目标版九年级英语说课稿 Receiving money makes me unco...

