
Module 1 My First Day at Senior High学案

  • 发布时间:2010-12-29 08:49:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Learnng Plan

一Words 、Phrases and sentences:
1.信息技术___________________ 2.体育_________________3.理科_________________
How many________________________________? Which of them______________________?
I think English is important because_________________________________________________.
II、Reading and Vocabulary                                                                       
3. 热情友好___________________________4. 出现在屏幕上_________________________
5. 高中   _________________________   6. 与……相似______________________
7. ……的态度__________________________8. 表现出严肃礼貌_______________________
9.提供……例子_______________________10. 阅读理解_____________________________
11.与……不同___________________________ 12. 教学方法___________________________-
13. 对……厌倦________________________ 14. 完全不是___________________________
15. 互相介绍___________________________16. 以小组为单位________________________
17. 给某人以指导_______________________18. 独自干某事__________________________
19. 改进拼写和书写_____________________20. 以有趣的方式________________________
21. 换句话说___________________________ 22. 描述……____________________________
23. 向往着_____________________________24. 对……印象深刻_______________________
Ⅲ、Grammar1&2, Listening and Vocabulary & Pronunciation& Speaking& Everyday English and Function
1. 一般现在时_________________________ 2. 现在进行时____________________________
3. 持久的状态__________________________4. 经常做的事情__________________________        5. 眼下发生____________________________6. 在……方面流利_____________________
7. 给某人以鼓励 ______________________ 8.取得进步_____________________________
9. 用英语解释一切______________________10.与……相似____________________________
11.相似点及不同点_______________________12. 近来你好吗? ________________________ 
13. 真的吗?_____________________ 14.你觉得汉语怎么样?___________________________
15. 一位叫王小姐的汉语老师_____________________________________________________
Ⅳ、Writing & Cultural Corner
1.       世界各地____________________________2. 我对学校的第一个记忆_________________
3. 在……开始的时候______________________4. 在……结束的时候____________________
5.最开心的微笑________________________6. 一切进展如何? _________________________
7.你介意我回答这些问题吗? Would you mind _______________________________________?
8.美国教育体系________________________  9. 上大学_______________________________
10. 美国中学涵盖6至12年级。________________________________________________
11.高中毕业证书____________________ 12. 被分成……部分_________________________
13. 九月至十二月__________________14.参加各种各样的课外活动_____________________
1. 把neither或 nor 放在句首的倒装句。
2.       So + 助动词/ 情态动词/ 系动词+ 主语
3.       V + (-ing或+ed) 构成的分词形容词做定语或表语(如exciting/ excited)
4.       宾语从句的否定前移(not) think / expect / suppose / believe
1. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. (P2)
2. We are using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High School. (P3)
3. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class!
三、课文理解:Choose the best answer to each question according to the text.
1. From the passage we know that_________________________.
 A. Shijiazhuang is very far from the capital of our country
B. the boy dislikes his new teachers because of their teaching methods
C. the new English teacher is a middle-aged woman called Ms Shen
D. the boy is excited and happy about the new school life
2. What does the boy think of her English teacher?
 A. Her method is just like that of his Junior High school teachers.
B. Her teaching method attracts the interest of all the students in the class.
C. She pays less attention to reading comprehension but more spelling.
D. She likes to speak a lot in her English class, but the students don’t.
3. What can we know about Li Kang’s new class?
 A. There are more students in his new class than in his previous class.
B. There are 4 times as many girls as boys in his new class.
C. In his class girls are more hardworking than boys now.
D. Not all boys and girls work hard in his new class.
4. Which of the following is True according to the text?
 A. The teachers can write on the computer and the words appear on the blackboard.
B. Ms Shen mainly wants to improve the students’ spelling and handwriting.
C. In Li Kang’s eyes, the new classrooms are very amazing.
D. The students are to write a composition about the flat they are living in.
    Li Kang, a (1) s______ high student in Shijiazhang, the (2) c_______ city of Hebei Province is excited about his first day at school.
     He has not only (3) e_____________ teachers and friendly classmates but also (4) a________ classrooms with big screen computers. Ms Shen’s class is (5 ) l_______ and interesting with reading, speaking, spelling and handwriting. We (6 ) e________ a lot in her class.
     The class is (7 ) m________ up of 49 girls and 16 boys.   In (8) o_________ words, the girls are much more than the boys. His homework tonight is to (9) d__________ the street they live. He is looking forward to (10) d_________ it.
1. Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High School.(意为“完全不是”)
2.In other words, there are 3 times as many girls as boys. ( 意为“换句话说”)
3.I’m looking forward to doing it. (意为“向往着”)
4. 他的眼睛不像在电影里见到的一样蓝。(as ... as)
5. 汤姆的声音和他哥哥的很相似。(be similar to)
6.据说巧克力是从墨西哥引入欧洲的。(introduce … to…)
Language points:
一) 、1) be enthusiastic about 表示“对某事热心, 感兴趣”时常与about连用 ;
2) friendly adj. 友好的 表示对某人友好时通常与 to或with 连用
1. 小明对这场音乐会很感兴趣。
Xiao ming ______________________________________________________.
2. 这座城市的居民对游客很友好
People in this city __________________________________________________.
二)、amazing adj. 令人惊奇的; 令人吃惊的、难以相信的。拓展:amaze vt.使惊奇; be amazed (at/ by) adj. (人) 感到惊奇的;amazingly adv. 令人惊奇地;in amazement u. n. 惊讶地,惊奇地;
 _____________________________________________ last night.
2. 大卫突然结婚使他的朋友感到吃惊。
David _________________________________________ by suddenly __________________.                             
3. 我的家人因为我外语讲的好而感到惊奇。
 My family _____________________________________________________foreign languages. 
4. 他吃惊的看着我。He looked at me ____________________________________. 
5. We were ______________ at the ___________________ speed.
    A. amazed; amazing   B. amazing; amazed    C. amazing; amazing 
三)、 nothing like 副词短语 1. “完全不像”
1)它看上去根本不像一匹马。 It looks ____________________________________________.                   
2、 “没有比(某事)更好的了”
There is _____________________________________________________________ tired.                                                    
四)、 that可用来代替前面提到的物体, 以避免重复。
 The climate of Beijing is__________________________________________ of Qingdao.            
注意: 当指代物为复数形式时, 用those。
2. 篮子里的苹果比地板上的大。
 The apples ____________________________________________________ on the floor.
五). And we have fun. 我们很开心。 fun (不可数名词)乐趣; 玩笑; 娱乐      
1. 为何不和我们一起去呢?一定很好玩的。
Why don’t _____________________________? It__________________________________.
2. 就在这, 孩子们, 好好玩吧!Here we are, kids. _____________________________!            
3. 参观苏州园林是多么令人开心的事啊!
___________________________________________to visit Suzhou gardens!
拓展: funny adj.  可笑的, 滑稽的; make fun of 开某人的玩笑, 取笑;
   (just) for fun (只是)为了好玩, 为了开心
4. 要生我的气了。我只是为了好玩 才这么做的。
Don’t be angry with me. I ________________________________________.