
Module 1 My First Day at Senior High学案(2)

  • 发布时间:2010-12-29 08:49:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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六)、 I don't think I will be bored in Ms. Shen's class! 本句属于否定转移。

英语中有些动词如:think, believe, expect, suppose, 等,当它们后面接一个具有否定意义的宾语从句时,通常要把主句的动词变为否定式,而宾语从句中的谓语动词用肯定形式,这种现象称为“否定的转移”。
如: 我认为他说的不是真话。I don't believe what he said is true.
I don't think it's going to rain tomorrow, is it?   我认为明不会下雨,对吗?  
You don't think I have made mistakes, don’t you?   你认为我没有犯什么错误,是吗?
1)、 I don’t think he is right, _____________ ? A. is he B. isn’t he C. do I D. don’t he 2)、They don’t think he had an exam in English yesterday, __________? A. don’t they B. do they C. didn’t they D. did he
七). 常用的倍数表达形式 A + be + 倍数 + as + 形容词原级 + as + B 如:
This tree is _________________________________________________that one. 2. A + be + 倍数 + 形容词比较级 + than + B 如:
The Yangtze River is almost ____________________________________ the Pearl River.
3. A + be + 倍数 + the + size/weight/length + of + B 如:
The new square is ________________________________________ the previous one.
八)、 in other words “换句话说”
1、换句话说, 我不必要把它航空邮寄了,对吗?
 __________________________________________________ it by air mail, right? 拓展: that is to say 也就是说 in a word 总之;总起来说 have a word with sb. 与某人说话 have words with sb.与某人吵架 九) I’m looking forward to doing it. look forward to 盼望;期待; to为介词,其后接动词时需用ing形式
1. 我盼望圣诞节的来临。 I am looking __________________________________________. 2.He wanted the man he was looking forward _____ _____ stay with him. A. for; to B. to; with C. to; to D. with; to 十) impress 1、vt. “给予某人深刻印象; 使某人钦佩” 常用搭配:impress sb. with sth.“使某人对某事留下深刻印象”;
The city never fails to______________________________________.
2、be impressed by/ with/at sb/sth. “对……留有印象”;
I was deeply _________________________________________________________.
3、impress sth. on/ upon sb. “使……给某人留下印象”
3)、第一次见到她,她的美貌(beauty) 给我们留下深刻的印象
The first time we saw her, she _______________________________________________.
十一)、attitude,“态度”(可数n.),与介词to 或towards使用,表示“对……的态度”;
1. What’s your attitude _____________________________________?(对在公共场合吸烟) Cultural Corner 部分 一). …cover seven years 占七年
1)“占用, 延续(一段时间或空间);包含;包括” 这故事前后过程只有三天,而且非常有趣。
The story ___________________________________________and is very interesting.
2) “行走(距离), 走过(通常不用被动语态)” 我们一天能走多远?
How far ____________________________________________?
3) “(钱) 够用” 1万美元足够付帐吗? Will 10,000 dollars ____________________________________?
4) “采访……;报导” 我正在采访选举的消息。
I_______________________________ election campaign.
二)、 The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December… divide“(使某物)分割开;分开;分隔,” 常与介词into搭配使用。如: 把一所大房子分隔成若干套间 divide a large house into flats 把那个班分成几个小组 divide the class into small groups
三、. I take part in all kinds of after-school activities. 1、take part in 指参加会议或大型的群众性活动, 说明主语参加该项活动并发挥作用。
1)、昨天老师参加了我们的讨论。The teacher__________________ our discussion yesterday.
2)、你什么时候参加会议? When will you__________________________________?
2、join 意为“加入某一种组织,成为一员”, join 后面还可接表示人的名词或代词, 表示加入到某人或某些人的行列。
3)、我叔叔是1978年入党的。 My uncle ____________________________ in 1978. 4)、我们要去游泳,你和我们一起去好吗? We are going for a swim. Will you__________________________________?
3、join in 表示“加入”、“参与”某种活动,in 之后可接名词或动词-ing 形式,表示“参加某人 的活动”,可以说join sb in (doing) sth. 。
He ____________________________________________.
Will you ____________________________________________________?
 4、attend“出席、 参加” ,指“参加会议或仪式、婚礼、葬礼、典礼、上课、上学、听报告”等, 强调的是这一动作的本身,而不强调参加者在活动中起作用。如:
7)、你听他上次讲课了吗 Did you_____________________________________ lecture?
Grammar in use “纵观一般现在时”
地球围绕太阳转。 The earth moves around the sun. 知识就是力量。Knowledge is power.
2)、用于格言 不到长城非好汉。 He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.
3)、客观存在 海南与大陆被琼州海峡割开了。Hainan and the mainland are separated by the Qiongzhou Strait.
Ⅱ、表示现在的习惯性动作。 通常和every day, in the afternoon, in spring, in summer, on Sunday, once a week, always, uaually, regularly (有规律地), often, sometimes, seldom(很少) 等时间状语连用。如:
 1)、上午八点开始上课。 Classes begin at 8 in the morning
2)、我们每周听一次音乐会。 We go to the concert hall once a week.
3)、这里冬天很少下雪。 It seldom snows here in winter. 有时,习惯性动作只限于现阶段,句子常与now, at present(现在), these days, nowadays(现在), at the moment(眼下)等时间状语连用。如:
1)、玛丽过去常迟到,但这些天他总能按时来。 Mary used to be late for class, but these days he always comes in time.
2)、现在很难找到好的小说。 Really good novels are hard to find nowadays. Ⅲ、表示现在的特征或状态。 表示目前的状态具有长或短的持续性。如 :
1)、 我不想吃东西,我现在不饿。 I don’t want to eat; I’m not hungry.
2)、 你哪儿不舒服了? What’s the matter with you? Ⅳ、表示现在瞬间的现在时。 动作与说话是同时进行的,甚至话音未落动作就已经完成了。这种情况的表述常用于一般现在时。这一用法适用于表动作,特别是表示短暂动作的动词,常用于体育运动的实况报道或祝语或日常用语。
1)、 约翰抓住球传给了杰克。 John catches the ball and throws it to Jack.
 2)、我祝愿大家新年快乐! I wish you all a happy New Year.
 3)、别管闲事! I t’s none of your business.
Ⅴ、表示按照规定、计划或安排,或者固定的时间表要发生的情况。只限于go, come, leave, start, return, begin等动词。如:
1)、 去伦敦的飞机上午十点起飞。The plane to London takes off at
10. 三月五日开学。 School begins on March 5.
 2)、篮球赛什么时候开始? What time does the basketball match begin?
1)、 我一到达就给你电话。 I will phone/ call you as soon as I arrive.
2)、如果明天下雨我们不去郊游。 We won’t go outing if it rains tomorrow.
Ⅶ、在口语中,一般现在时可以表示一个已经发生的动作,主要是say, tell, hear, read等, 用的场合也有限。如: They say Mary is back. Is that true? I hear there is another satelite station in Wenchang .
这是一个星期天的上午,天气晴朗。公园里长凳上坐着一位老太太和他的孙子,一位年轻人正朝他们走来。 It’s Sunday afternoon. The weather is fine. An old lady is sitting on the bench with her grandson in the park. A young man is walking towards them.
现在进行时(the Present Continuous Tense) 表示说话时正在进行的动作。可与now, at present, at this moment, these days 等时间状语连用,也可不用时间状语。
1) 我们正在做我们的作业。 We are doing our homework. 表示现阶段正在进行的动作,虽然此时此刻这一动作不一定正在进行。
乔治现在在翻译一本书。 Gorge is translating a book now. 说话人在说这句话时,乔治不一定正在翻译,可能在做别的事。但在包 括“说话时刻”在内的一段时间,乔治确实在从事翻译。
2) 表示反复发生的动作。常与always, forever, constantly(持久地), all the time, continually(持续地), simply 等时间副词连用。这种用法的现在进行时常表示不 满、抱怨或赞赏等情感。
 她总是挑别人的毛病。 She is always finding faults with others. 他总是为别人着想。 He is always thinking of others.
3) 少数动词如go, come, arrive, return, begin, do, lose, leave 等的现在进行时,可以表示即将发生的动作。
我要走了。 I’m going. 我明天要走了。I’m leaving tomorrow.
4) 有些表心里活动的静态动词的现在进行时可表委婉、客气。如: 我倒希望你来聊聊天。I’m hoping that you will come and have a chat with me.
注意: 有些动词通常不可以用于进行时态。这类动词通常表示“感觉、感情、存在、从属、思维”等的动词。如:(表示感官的动词) see, hear, smell, feel, look, seem / (表示感情的动词) hate ,love, like, want, wish / (表示存在状态的动词)be, exist, stay, remain / (表示占有与从属的动词)posses(拥有), have, belong to, consist of
1、Nobody likes him because he _____________ lies to others.
 A. is always telling B. always tells C. has already told.
2. I’ve won a holiday for two weeks to Florida. I _______ my mum.
A. am taking B. have taken C. take D. will have taken
3. I’m sorry I can’t go. I ________________ a report. A. write B. am writing C. wrote D. was writing
4. . There __________ a bus. Hurry up!
A.is coming B. comes C. has come D. will come
5. —What’s the terrible noise? —The neighbors ____________ for a party.
A. have prepared B. are preparing C. prepare D. will prepare
6. —Do you like the material? —Yes, it _______very soft.
A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt
Grammar in use-
分词形容词(-ing/-ed) 由过去分词或现在分词转化来的形容词是分词形容词。这些词已失去了动词的性质,大多数可被副词very或too修饰,有的还有比较级和最高级, 故成为分词形容词。分词形容词在句中作表语和定语、状语或补足语等。单个分词的形容词作定语时,放在所修饰的词前面,修饰不定代词或指示代词those时,要后置。如:Is there anything exciting in the paper?
1.The glass is broken. 杯子是碎的。(表语 / 已碎的状态)
2.The story is moving. 这故事是感人的。(表语 / 说明主语本身具有的性质、特点)
3.This is an interesting story. ( 前置定语 / 说明事物本身具有的性质)
4.The beaten boy is my brother. (定语 / 表示被动和完成)
5.Surprised, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. ( 主补 / 说明主语的特征)
6.I am puzzled what to do. (表语 / 表示主语对外界事物的感受) 这类动词有:surprise, excite, interest, bore, please, worry, move, disappear, tire, encourage(鼓励), satisfy, discourage(使……丧气), terrify, amuse, shock等。 这类动词的形容词有两种:-ing形式,意为“令人……”,多修饰事物;-ed形式意为“感到……”,多修饰人。例如:What disappointing news it is! He is disappointed at it!
1.光沿着直线传播。(in a straight line)
2.前往北京的火车什么时候发车?(leave for)
4.这本书缺三页。(there be / miss)
6.我们厌倦了长途旅行。(bore / journey)
1. Mr. Smith,_____________ of the______________ speech, started to read a novel.
A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring
2. It is believed that if a book is ____________, it will surely ___________ the readers.
A. interested; interest B. interesting; be interested C. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest
3.________________, he couldn’t say a word.
A. Excited B. Exciting C. Being excited D. Excite
一. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语意思,写出该单词的正确形式。
1. He tells people that he will move to another p___________ from Hainan.
2. My parents don’t have the least c_____________ of what I’m trying to do.
3. Their b_______________ to me shows that they look down upon me.
4. As you get older,your _______________(观点) towards life changes.
5. The film we saw last night was ____________ (极好的).
6. Every student should have an active a_________________ to learning.
7. This passage is beyond the kids’u_________________________.
二. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. Be quiet and follow the screen ________________. (instruct)
2. It is very ____________ for us to find such an interesting place. (encourage) 3
. ____________ in French and Spanish is required for this job. (fluent)
4. Mary was shy at her _________________ to the company. (introduce)
5. “I beg your pardon,” said he, with some _________________. “I haven’t understood it clearly.” (embarrass)
cover, disappointed, take part in, be divided into, be similar to, describe, fluent, be different from
1.Each year ______________ four seasons, of which spring is my favorite.
2. I was amazed that Tom spoke Chinese with great ___________________.
3. Would you like to ___________________ the English corner with us?
4. My views on the matter ______________ Mary’s.
5. The Summer Palace is beautiful beyond __________________.
6. To their _________________, the famous star didn’t show up on time. 7. American English ____________________ British English in many ways. 8. His answer ___________________ most of the key points.