
《Rain and sun》教案 冀教版四下Learning English教案

  • 发布时间:2009-09-03 08:50:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Lesson12 Rain and sun教案


I 教学目标: 学生可以读、写、说出并听懂下列词汇:

描叙天气状况的形容词: cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy 

以及句子How is the weather today? Its ____.

II 教学重点:能用所学单词和句型描叙天气。

III 教具、学具:卡片;录音机。

IV Main Activities for teaching and learning.

  Greeting and reviewing.

1 Say helloto the students.

2 Sing a song.

3 用手势复习介词。

4 用卡片复习天气:sunny, snowy, cloudy, rainy, windy

new concepts.

()            what is it?

1 用剪笔画分别带出新的名词单词: sun, snow, cloud, rain, wind.

2 教单词sun,教师提问what colour is it? Is the sun hot or cold? Is the sun far from here? What colours sun do you like?

3 cloud, TPR教学,结合所学介词来造句。

4 rain, TPR教学,教师提问:Do you like raining? 出示卡片教师再提问:what is the cloud? Where is rain?

5 教授单词wind, TPR教学,用卡片巧妙的教授课本句型:The wind is blowing the trees leaves.

6 教授单词:snow, TPR教学。

7 教师教读课文。

8 Play point to game.

9 教师说单词,同学们做动作; 教师做动作,同学们说单词。

10 Play what are missinggame.

11 Play guessing game.

12Listen and draw.

13Try to describe the weather.

() song.

1 让同学们对歌曲中不懂的部分提问。

2 指着课本的图向学生提问,并教读学生歌词。

3 Let the students listen to the radio, and sing after the tape.


       sunny   snowy   cloudy   rainy  windy



       sun     snow    cloud   rain    wind