
Module 7 Unit 1 Pandas love bamboo.教学案例分析

  • 发布时间:2015-10-19 09:14:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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Module 7 Unit 1 Pandas love bamboo.教学案例分析


Step1 Warming up
1. Greeting
2. Play games :guess
They have got long tails.(尾巴)
They climb trees very fast.
They like bananas.
What are they?
They are monkeys

They are fat.
They are black and white.
They live inChina.
They love bamboo.(竹子)
What are they?
They are pandas.

3. Review animals(出示图片,让学生回忆学过哪些动物及知道其他动物)
Dog bear elephant panda cat lion monkey horse …….

Step 2 Presentation

1. We talk about some animals. Ok,, we learn animals facts today.

(出示ppt)pandas bamboo.(竹子)教授新单词。
从而引出:pandas love bamboo.同义句是:pandas like bamboo.
学生明白了love和 like 的用法,同时也学到了熊猫的习性,也就突出课文的重难点句型。

2.(小组讨论)出示PPT:cat –fish snake-the sun bear-sleep in the winter dog-play with children elephant-water

Bears sleep in the winter.

Dogs play with children.

Elephants like water.

Cats like fish.

Snakes love the sun.

Step 3 Practice

1. 同桌两人合作:根据动物的习性和爱好,编一些谜语,然后用英语说,让别人去猜是什么动物?(设计意图:复习了动物,并了解其特征,加深学生的记忆力。)

2. Match:

Dogs love the sun
Snakes like fish
Bears love bamboo
Cats play with children
Elephants sleep in the winter
Pandas like water

3. 根据图片提示,完成句子。
1. Pandas love __.
2. Cats like __but don’t like rice.
3. I’m afraid of __.
They love the __.
Step 4 Homework:


本节课主要学习动物及动物的习性或特征,首先通过猜谜语引出本课的主要内容,本课涉及的动物都学过,通过PPT,首先引导学生学习Pandas的习性,pandas love bamboo.导出本课的重点句型,然后通过小组合作讨论,学生自主学习,引出其他动物的特征,交流后并给与鼓励加分,调动了学生的积极性。整节课内容简单,学生掌握的很好。并能准确的描述句子,每位学生都参与进来,但也有不足,练习的太少,在今后的教学中,我会更加努力。