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PEP五年级全英文说课稿 My Favourite Season说课稿

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PEP Book 5 Unit 2 My Favourite Season说课稿
Good morning ladies and gentlemen,  I'm very happy to stand here. Today I'm talking about PEP book 5 Unit2 My favourite seasons. I will describe it with following parts:
This lesson is the revision of the seasons. From now on the students have learned some knowledge of the weather, clothes, and a lot of verb phrases about the seasons. These knowledge are related with the seasons. So I will contact them together. In this class I don't teach the students how to write spring, summer... I should help the students summary the knowledge about seasons. Try to use the language that we have learned in the true situation, and help them write their favourite seasons. 复习课是知识巩固和能力培养的综合提高过程。在这节课中利用学生已有的知识体验,把它们融合在一起,以四季为线索,通过对季节的描述逐一展示出来。同时利用多种操练方式扎实地培养学生的听说读写能力。
According to these, I design the following teaching aims:
Aims on the knowledge: I arrange different activities to check the students whether they are able to master the skill of listening, speaking, reading and writing something about seasons. And make sure that students can use these in real life. Also lead the students to do the activity of writing.
Aims on the abilities: we want to develop students' ability of four skills---listening, speaking, reading and writing, and to train students' ability of working in groups, to foster students' ability of communication and innovation.
Amis on the emotion: we hope to master students' consciousness of good operation and proper competition. The most important aim in this lesson is improve their interest in learning English.
In this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. Depend on the aims and important points, I arrange a lot of activities E.G. pair work or group work. From these it can improve the students' ability of learning and also can improve their interest and confidence in learning English. Lead the students to do some communications in the real situations.
这节课中我设置了活泼的四季场景,采用不同活动形式,通过小组合作的方式实现自主学习、自主探究、自主交流、自主提高。 广泛联系学生生活实际,扎实地进行听说读写训练。
Step 1 warm-up:
1. Greeting:
2. Sing a song: What's your favourite season?
We know interest is the best teacher. According to this song I create the first situation. Try to form a better English learning surrounding. When they are singing, they will relax themselves and from the song they can know something about this lesson. And it can provide a situation for the next step.
3. Free talk. I ask some questions about the song in order to help students review the seasons: What does the song talk about? How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?
These questions are very easy to answer. From the simple oral English, we can encourage Ss’ confidence in speaking and learning.
Step 2 Review four seasons:
1. Spring:
I show a flash and try to lead students to say something in the picture. Maybe they can say: I can see a boy; I can see a river; the boy is flying a kite; I can see flowers; the trees turn green and I teach them to say the flowers bloom, the grass sprout..... So from this we can guess the season is spring.
Then I lead them to think and say something about spring with following questions: What's the weather like? What do you wear? What do you usually do? Try to help them to answer these questions in different ways.
According to the flash of spring,I create a real situation. 采用情景教学法,在创设的真实情景中,问一些简单的问题引导学生思维,引导他们从不同的角度回答,表达自己的真实感受,将复习内容融入学生的真实生活。
2. Summer:
Show another flash, compare two flash, they can guess the season ---- summer.
And ask the students do you like summer? Why?
Then ask students to talk about it with their partners. If they have some trouble I will give them some suggestions, or I will provide questions to them: What's the weather like in summer? What do you wear in summer? What do you usually do in summer? From the pair work we can develop their abilities of co-operation and communication, but in this part I just help them to do the activities. If it’s necessary, I will give some suggestions.
After these two seasons I make a summary.
3. Fall:
I suppose I have two friends--Mike and Chenjie. They also talk about the seasons. Ask them listen to the dialogue three times. Before listening, I give them some questions about it:
First time--- listen and find out: Which season is it?
Second time ---find out: How do you know the answers?
The last time--- find out: What does Mike/ Chenjie do on the weekends?
Listening is very important in learning English. In this part I mainly train their ability of listening. Tell them how to catch the information and write it quickly from the listening materials.
4. Winter:
Before this we have reviewed other seasons, so the students have the sense to the lesson. This part I will do nothing, just divide them into four groups. Then let them talk about winter in groups. At the same time I give them a picture of winter. They can say anything in winter or talk about the picture. Then choose two groups to show their opinions.
Then I interview them: which season do you like best? What's your favourite season? Why? At this time Ss may have a lot of ideas about the seasons----weather? Wearing? Activities?Or something likes that.
Step 3 Practices:
First fill in the form. I give them an example, and then ask them to fill their own answers. Then interview their friends or classmates, try to finish the form. When they finish, choose two of them act it out.
The second exercise is writing. Depend on the form,let them try to write a short passage. This is very difficult in this lesson. Before this we have practice the skills of listening, speaking, and reading. So according to the form, ask them to write a passage on the paper. Ask one of the students writes on the blackboard. Choose 2 or 3 students read their passages.
Writing is very difficult for the students. When we do the activity of writing, we should put a lot of information before it. When they’re writing, I will help them or give them some suggestions. Then it will be much easier.
Step 4: Homework. From this lesson, they can describe the seasons. When they get home, ask their friends or parents’ favourite seasons and try to write them down.
The layout of the blackboard is very simple. I’ll write the title and the main 3 questions. One student will write a short passage on it.


PEP五年级英语下册 Unit 2 My Favourite Season说课稿

PEP五年级全英文说课稿 My Favourite Season说课稿

