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四年级英语Unit 6 Whose dress is this说课稿


 Unit 6 Whose dress is this? 说课稿
Good afternoon. I’m very glad to be here to show you my teaching design. Today I’m going to talk about the storytime of Unit 6 in 4B. This topic is related to the students daily life. Students can use the sentences in the real situation. The students in Grade 4 have strong learning interest and their knowledge of level is rich.
First, I’ll talk about the teaching aims. It includes: knowledge aims, ability aims and emotion aims. Knowledge aims, students can master the new words: dress, trousers and gloves. Students can understand and speak daily communication sentences: Whose … is this? Whhose … are they? It’s/ They’re too/so … Ability aims, students can study in groups and cooperation with others. Emotion aims, train the students’ spirit of cooperation.
The key points of this lesson is S can master the new words. The difficult points is S can use the sentences in the real situation.
In this lesson, I’ll use PPT, pictures and tape record as my teaching aids. I’ll mainly use “Task—based” teaching method and “Communicative language” teaching method.
Now, I’ll talk about my teaching procedures. I’ll finish this lesson in three steps.
Step 1 Warm up and preview
I’ll show clothes that S have learned, such as a skirt, a cap, a T-shirt and a jacket. Then I’ll give S 15 seconds to remember the clothes and play a game “ What’s missing?” In the last picture, the skirt is missing. Then I show a picture of “ a dress” and ask “ Is this a skirt?” S answer “ No, it isn’t.” Then I can teach the new word. Now, look at her dress, what can we say? We can say “ How nice!” “How beautiful!” “It’s very beautiful.” I’ll teach we also can say “It’s so beautiful.” Look at Su Yang’s dress, it’s too long. According to the picture, S can understand “too” means “太”. So she can “ Try this.” Look at Su Yang now, “ How nice!” “How beautiful!” “It’s very beautiful.” “ It’s so beautiful.” Then, I’ll teach “trousers”. I’ll let the S choose “ It’s/ They’re too long.” “Try this/ these.” I’ll teach “ gloves” in the same way.
Step 2 Presentation and practice
In this step, I arranged three tasks.
Task 1. Watch and write
S watch the cartoon and use the new sentences to work in groups and finish the form. Such as “ Whose dress is this? It’s Su Yang’s .”…
Task 2. Read and write
Let the S read the lesson quickly and find out the sentences that describe the clothes.
Task 3. Let’s read
S can choose the way they like best to read this lesson.
Step 3 Consolidation
In this step, I arranged Task 4. S can dress up in their beautiful clothes to give us a fashion show. They can use the sentences they have learned to act it out.
They’re the ideas of my teaching design. I’m looking forward for your advice. Thanks for your listening.


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