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高中英语说课 Unit 15 Destinations


 高中英语说课(SEFC Book 2B)
Unit 15 Destinations
Speaking and writing
PART 1 Understanding of the teaching material
 The subject of the unit I chose is on the destinations of travel. Travel can enlarge our vision, make our knowledge richer, and help us to form a good sense of beauty, so it is important to the growth of a student.
 And this lesson is a revision about this unit, especially the summary of the language points of the reading passage. In class I will let the Ss to say something and write a composition about travel and cities. So it is very important and related to our daily life.
 Because this lesson is about speaking and writing, it is helpful for the Ss to improve their spoken and written English.
Knowledge objects
In this lesson, I want the Ss to know how to say something about a place of interest; and enable the Ss to write a short description of their favorite destination, using the useful words and expressions learnt in the reading of this unit.
But more importantly, I will teach the Ss some ways of learning English. Because I think ways is more important than just remembering some language points. And I hope the Ss can enjoy themselves while learning.
Ability objects
In my opinion, the relationship between the Ss and the teacher should not “give and take”; so I will make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher myself acts as the director, and teach them some effective ways of learning English, I think it is more important than just ask them to remember some words and expressions.. And in class I will try my best to make the Ss enjoy themselves while learning and arouse their interest.
Moral objects
Because the composition is about travel and cities, so I hope the students can love our life and country more and more, and realize the importance of protecting the nature and environment.
The Blackboard; A Computer; A Power-point and a video
1. Review some of the important language points we learnt in the passage;
2. Practice a short composition, sentence by sentence, in oral;
3. According to what we learnt and practiced in the lesson, write down the composition about travel and cities.
1. The students should learn the passage well at first, for we must use a lot of phrases and sentence structure in it;
2. Our students are afraid of making mistakes in speaking English, it’s not easy for them to open their mouth and speak English.

PART 2 Teaching Methods
 Communicative method
 A task-based teaching method
 Elicitation method
 Learners- centered method
 Situational method

PART 3 Studying Ways
1. Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2. Teach the Ss how to say something about travel and cities; and write a short passage of their favorite destination.

PART 4 Teaching Procedure
Step 1 Lead-in
Let the students enjoy a part of a short video. It is about a travel of a teacher to Yunnan. There are many familiar people in it. This can make the Ss more interested in this topic and get some ideas of saying something about travel and cities. After watching the video, I will ask the students some questions about the video:
1. After watching the video, do you have the itch to go and have a look there?
2. What interests you most in the video? Why?
3. Image that you are walking in the STONE FOREST, what will you find there, and how will you feel about it?

Step 2 Revision
Check some of the language points we learnt in the reading in the last lesson.
Slide 1: Put them into Chinese or English
 every now and then 不时地
 get/ have the itch to ….有…的强烈愿望
 打点行李 pack your bags
 give sb. a glimpse of …让某人看到…
 对….疲惫/ 厌倦 get/be tired of
 凉快凉快 cool off
 a feast for the eyes 一饱眼福
 洗一洗, 泡澡 take a dip
Slide 2:
 北京是以有很多名胜古迹而闻名的.
 没有必要害怕说英语时会犯错误.
 如果我有时间,我想去一趟武夷山.
 Beijing is known for having a lot of interesting places.
 There is no need for us to be afraid of making mistakes while
speaking English.
 If I am free, I want to pay a visit to Wuyi Mount.

Step 3 Sentence by sentence
 Give the Ss the composition of travel and cities.
 The Ss have some minutes to talk about how to put these sentences into proper
English, and encourage them to try to use the words and expressions we’ve learnt in this unit.
 And then ask some of the students to stand up and report their sentences, while the
other students are supposed to pay attention to the mistakes they may make
Slide 3:
云南省位于中国的西南部, 以风景优美、气候宜人而闻名。省会--昆明被称为“春城”。“蝴蝶泉”边散步让你看到少数民族的生活方式,穿行在石林中就像走进神话世界,一趟到大理和丽江的旅程就是一堂生动的历史课。手牵手,与当地的人们一起舞蹈,让你忘掉所有学习和工作的烦恼。如果你有足够的体力,爬爬玉龙雪山吧,在那里,你可以看到北国风光---白皑皑的饿雪。如果你对花感兴趣,到花市走一走便可一饱眼福。
Slide 4:
In this part, the Ss may find it difficult for them to put some phrases into English, or they are too nervous to recall the expressions we reviewed, at this time, I will encourage them to try to use the simple but familiar English. Such as:
 气候宜人 good weather
 有……的强烈愿望/冲动 want to do sth

Step 4 Writing the composition
Lastly, the Ss will be given 10 to 15 minutes to finish the composition, writing on their paper sheets and hand them in.

Step 5 Homework
Suppose you are a guide, and there are some people who want to pay a visit to our Quanzhou, how do you introduce the interesting places there to them? Write it down as today’s homework.


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