
人教版高中英语必修三Unit 3测试题及答案



《英语》人教新课标必修三Unit 3练习及答案

1.Why are you so________to your students?You must learn to treat them________because teaching is a job that requires both skills and________.(patient)
2.Every______in this novel has his own particular ________. (character)
3.The________of the clinic said patients must take the medicine according to the________.(direct)
4.He felt________at her good luck and he did all this out of________.(envy)
5.Do you________his________?Do you think it is________?(believe)
6.His writing style is________and all his novels are full of________.(humour)
7.Sandy’s________at the party was a hint that she would leave because whenever she________on such an occasion,she would________for some time.(appear)
答案:1.impatient,patiently,patience 2.character,characteristics
3.director,directions 4.envy,envy 5.believe,belief,believable
6.humourous,humour 7.disappearance,appears,disappear
1.我十二岁的时候,非常偶然地读了马克•吐温写的一个令人难以置信的故事。(by accident,unbelievable)
2.正是这个故事让我对马克•吐温的作品感兴趣。(It is...that...)
3.在这个故事中,一对有钱的英国兄弟对身无分文的亨利打了一个赌。(make a bet,penniless)
4.他们给了衣衫褴褛的亨利一张面值百万的钞票。(in rags,a million pound bank note)
6.由于他寒酸的外表,亨利在许多地方被人蔑视。(look down upon)
7.可是,当他们看到这张钞票后,他们立刻对他恭恭敬敬。(show respect)
8.发生在亨利身上的故事对那时崇拜金钱的社会作出了生动的解释。(account for)
答案:[句子翻译] 1.When I was twelve years old,I found an unbelievable story written by Mark Twain quite by accident.
2.It was this story that made me interested in Mark Twain’s works.
3.In the story,two rich English brothers made a bet on penniless Henry.
4.They gave Henry,who was in rags,a million pound bank note.
5.With the bank note,he met many adventures.
6.Because of his poor appearance,Henry was looked down upon in many places.
7.After they saw the million pound bank note, they showed great respect to Henry at once.
8.The story happening to Henry accounts vividly for the money society those days.
[连句成篇] When I was twelve years old,I found an unbelievable story written by Mark Twain quite by accident.It was this story that made me interested in Mark Twain’s works.In the story,two rich English brothers made a bet on penniless Henry, who was in rags,giving him a million pound banknote which brought him many adventures.Because of his poor appearance,Henry was looked down upon in many places,but after they saw the million pound banknote,they showed great respect to Henry at once.The story happening to Henry accounts vividly for the money society those days.
 仔细阅读课文The Million Pound Bank Note,写出文章的段落大意。
答案:Henry,a penniless American businessman,landed in Britain by accident.Wandering in London,he was given a letter with“The Million Pound Bank Note”.His life changed greatly because of this note.People were polite to him and respected him.(40 words)
It was the summer of 1903.Henry Adams,an American businessman,had a very bad luck.He was sailing in his boat out of the bay 1.________a strong wind carried his boat far out to sea 2.________ nightfall.A whole night passed 3.________he was spotted by a ship,4.________took him to London.
Lost in this strange city,penniless and hungry,he didn’t know what he 5.________do.Just then,he heard someone calling him.He was led into a large hall of a splendid building,6.________he was given a large envelope 7.________money in it by two rich men.They told him he mustn’t open it 8.________two o’clock.
9.________(carry)the envelope,Henry first came to a restaurant.He was so hungry that he ordered a lot of food and ate it 10.________quickly,like a wolf.When he asked for 11.________of the same food,the owner hesitated but he decided to 12.__________a chance and brought him the food.Now it was 13.________to pay the bill.But there were still a few minutes 14.________(go)before two o’clock.Afraid that Henry wouldn’t pay for the meal,the owner 15.________came over to urge him in a rude manner.At two o’clock,Henry opened the envelope and took out a million pound bank note.At the sight of the large note,both the waiter and the owner were shocked and the hostess 16.________screamed.How could they 17.________(expect)a man in rags would have so much money.In no time everybody became excited and treated Henry kindly and warmly.The owner told Henry he didn’t have to pay the bill and he could come whenever he wanted and have 18.________he liked.
答案:1.when 2.towards 3.before 4.which 5.should 6.where 7.with 8.until 9.Carrying 10.up 11.more 12.take 13.time 14.to go 15.himself 16.even 17.have expected 18.whatever