
外研版高一英语教案 Module 2 Reading and vocabulary




This lesson plan is designed for Senior 1 students in Hainan Overseas Chinese Middle School. The target students have just finished junior-secondary English course and have been at Senior High for only one week. During the first week, the learning activities in English class are arranged around the topic of my first day at Senior High. After finishing the first unit, students are expected to go on with the next one. The second unit with the topic of my new teachers is closely related to the first one in terms of life on campus. Based on the reading material tilted my new teachers, this lesson plan aims at providing students with scaffoldings by which students are able to develop an initial ability to use English to obtain information and lay a foundation for genuine communication in daily life. There are totally five stages in this 50-minute reading lesson, including opening, orientation, participation, production, and follow-up. In this period, the teacher will be working with the class as a whole group, working with individuals within the class, and working with small groups within the class. At the end of the lesson, students will get themselves familiar with the words and expressions used to describe personality, and be capable of giving a detailed account of their teachers’ personalities and setting criteria for a good teacher.
Target students: Senior 1 high school students
Class Level: Higher Elementary
Duration: 50 minutes (1 period)
Lesson Focus: (外研版) Book 1 Module 2 Reading and vocabulary
Specific Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will
1. be able to describe a person and his/her personality with appropriate adjectives
2. be able to give a detailed account of their teachers’ personalities
Note: C— the whole class I — individual student   T— the teacher

Stage of Lesson
Teacher activities
Pupil activities
Resources Needed
3 minutes
a. Show some pictures of the teachers who are teaching the class and encourage the students to guess what today’s topic is
b. Show agreement with the         
 proper prediction and 
 write down today’s topic
 “My New Teacher” on the
- Watch the photos, guess the topic for today’s class, and respond to the teacher
To draw students’ attention to class
To provide students with an opportunity to influence the classroom climate
Several photos of the teachers teaching the class;
1) read for gist
7 minutes
( 10)
5 minutes
a.       Give a very brief introduction to the content and goals of this lesson
b.      Ask students to brainstorm words used to describe personality, and work as a secretary to copy the words and expression given by the students on the blackboard
c.       Present a few photos sequentially and help students to describe the character in each picture by asking students what their impression of the character is
d.      List the adjectives the students use to describe the characters and ask students to decide whether the words are positive or negative
 a. Tell students to turn to Page 12 and go through the text(See Appendix 3) quickly to find out the answer to the following questions:
1) How many teachers are
mentioned in the text and
who are they?
2) What subject does each teacher teach?
b. Check the answers to the above questions
-Get an idea of what to do and what to achieve during this period
- Think and speak out words or expressions used to describe personality
- Observe the character in each picture and tell their impression of the characters
-Look at the words and tell if they are positive or negative
- Skim the text and look for the answers to the questions
-          Answer the above questions
Individual work
To activate schema and familiarize students with the specific vocabulary and expressions used to describe a person’s personality
To practice the reading strategy of skimming;
To get a clear idea of what kind of information to encounter
A few photos showing people’s personalities;  
Blackboard and chalk
2) read for specific information
2) read for specific
3) presentation
20 minutes
a. Arrange students into
groups of 3
b. Assign work to each group member
c. Give each group a handout containing a table and give clear instructions for group work
d. Walk around the class and cooperate with those students who need help
e. Invite volunteer students from different groups to show their table and give a brief presentation of what they have read
f. Comment on the  
 volunteers’ performance.
g. Invite one student to give a brief summary of the whole text and encourage students to share their opinions of the three teachers mentioned in the text with their partner
- Make sure who is
Student A, who is
Student B, and who is
Student C
- A reads Para1, B
reads Para 2 ,and
C reads Para 3 for detailed information about the teacher’s personality and ways of teaching
-Make sure of what to do
next and how to do it
- Refer to the table and
take turns to retell the
passage in groups and the
two listeners take notes
and fill in the table while
listening to their group
- Take about the three
teachers introduced in the
passage in terms of
appearance, personality,
and ways of teaching
- Listen to the summary
and exchange their
opinions of the three
teachers in pairs
Individual work
Group work
Pair work
To get ready for group work
To create information gap and inspire students’ curiosity
To promote collaborative learning.
To integrate listening speaking and writing skills into reading comprehension
To check on literal comprehension and make sure students have understood the surface meaning of the text
To practice listening and speaking skills
4. Production
10 minutes
- Present the discussion topic
 What qualities do you think
a good teacher should have,
and why? and encourage
students to speak out their
ideas according to the
reading material and their
own experience as students
- Engage in discussion and
set criteria for a good
To help students to go beyond a literal understanding of the text and develop critical thinking skill.
5. Follow-up
5 minutes
a. Ask a volunteer student to give a very summary of this lesson by telling what he/she has learnt. 
b. Assign homework:
1) Be prepared to give a description of one of your teachers and get your classmates to guess who he/she is at the beginning of next lesson.
2) Write down your suggestions for one of your teachers according to the criteria you set for a good teacher. 
- Recall the content of this lesson
- Make clear what the assignment is and how to do it
To reinforce students’ knowledge of language that can be used to describe personality;
To prepare for next lesson