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New Century English Grade 9(1)Unit 3 Lesson 1. Water

(Period 4 Floods)一课说课稿

我说课的内容是New Century English Grade 9(1)Unit 3 Lesson 1. Water

(Period 4 Floods)


(一)说教材。本课是Unit 2的第一课,主题是众所周知的自然资源——水。本课时所进行的是阅读理解练习,介绍floods。这部分是与课文内容相关的微型说明文,对课文进行补充,以扩大学生的阅读量和知识面。



1. Read the passage and know more about floods.

2. Students can retell the passage






1. 给学生2分钟时间快速阅读全文完成以下练习,校对。(根据程度让学生自己在文中直接找出中心句)

Finish the following tasks and find the main sentence for each paragraph.

A. Floods are a serious problem.

B. There are two main kinds of floods: flash floods and slow floods.

C. Water is one of the most useful things on Earth.

D. Floods are the world’s biggest natural killer.

Key: 4 2 1 3

2.给学生5 分钟时间再次阅读全文完成Task 1 -- Do T or F并校对。 (see Textbook P42)

3.再次阅读全文,找出生词,完成Task 2并校对。(see textbook P42),




Task 1 Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks with proper words.

(the first paragraph)

_______1_______. It gives us life. We drink it, bathe in it, clean with it and use it to c_____ food. We think water is something s_____ and gentle; but sometimes water is so powerful that it can e_____ be deadly. Here we are t_____ about floods.

Task 2 Listen and fill in the missing words.

(the second paragraph)

_______2_______. Flash floods are sudden floods of great volumes of water. They overflow the banks of the rivers and wash away __________ they touch into pieces. Flash floods are disastrous and deadly. The other __________ is slow floods. They rise __________ a long period of time. Usually as more and more rain falls, water rivers and land floods. These slow floods __________ in every country in the world.

Task 3 Put the following sentences into the right order.

(the third paragraph)

A. Floods also cause huge economic damage.

B. When floods happen, crops are damaged, houses are washed away, roads are destroyed, and people are killed.

C. It is reported that during the recent years, floods have caused billions of dollars in damage each year.

D. Every year in America water kills on average 138 people, most in flash floods.

Key: B D A C

_______3_______. When floods happen, crops are damaged, houses are washed away, roads are destroyed, and people are killed. Every year in America water kills on average 138 people, most in flash floods. Floods also cause huge economic damage. It is reported that during the recent years, floods have caused billions of dollars in damage each year.

Task 4 Correct the mistakes in the paragraph.

________4_______. Worse still, they may become more power and frequent as global warming becomes more serious and more serious. Around the world, sea levels will raise and more and more lives will be took by the flood waters of our planet.

Key: 1.more power应改为more powerful

2.more serious and more serious应改为more and more serious




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