

  • 发布时间:2013-03-13 19:44:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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Book 7 Unit 2 Satisfaction guaranteed ( reading )教学设计
1. Language target
Learn and employ some of the following words:fiction, desire, satisfaction, bonus, alarm(ed), apron, sympathy, overweight, elegant, favour, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, cushion, bedding, necklace, clerk, counter, awful, affair, armchair, declare, cuisine, envy, test out, ring up, turn around, leave…alone
2. Teaching aims
●The students will be able to have some knowledge about robots and the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”.
●The students will be able to master some of the reading strategies, such as predicting,skimming, scanning, summarizing etc.
●The students will be able to discuss in groups and express their supposition &beliefs using some of the topic-related words and expressions.

词汇:desire, alarm, sympathy, favour, accompany, declare, test out, ring up, turn around, leave…alone
语篇内容:Who are the main characters and their identities?/What is the order of the time?/What events happened according to the timeline?/How did Claire change her feelings towards Tony?
Guide students to understand:
/How did Claire change her feelings to Tony?

教学方法: 任务型 交际性
教学辅助:黑板 粉笔 多媒体

Step I: Lead-in
1. Retell a story based on the short video played between the classes, including the following words.
fiction: short story alarmed: frightened
awful: terrible, unpleasant desire: strong wish,
sympathy: feeling sorry for sb leave …alone: let…be
accompany: stay together with absurd: ridiculous
favour: fondness, kindness declare: announce
(词汇教学思路:分为两个层次。第一层次,对于加粗部分的重点词汇采用语境法,即在导入部分和课文讲解中结合主题内容设置语境,并配有图片帮助学生识记,并在整堂课中反复使用、落实,如desire, alarmed, sympathy, favour, accompany, declare, test out , leave…alone等;第二层次,对于学生大脑记忆库中已有相关词记忆的单词或是在课文语境中容易理解的单词采用的是学生自学的方式,根据上下文语境学生自己理解、体会。)

Step II: Predicting
Q1. What does the title mean?
Q2. Looking at the title and the picture, can you guess what will be talked about?

Step III: Skimming
Skim the text and answer questions.
Q1.Who is the consumer(消费者)?
Q2. What is the product(产品)?
Q3. Is the consumer satisfied


Step IV: Scanning
Read the text carefully and underline sentences that describe Claire’s feelings to Tony
events Claire’s feelings
(Para. 2) …when she first met… felt alarmed
(Para 3) …asked whether …help dressing…
(Para 4) ..offered sympathy…
(Para 6) …clerk…rude…rang tony up…attitude changed
(Para 8) …fell off…held …firmly…
(Para 10) …folded…declared…more than …desire…
(Para 11) …remember-just a machine shouted “Leave me alone”…cried

设计说明:通过梳理情感主线-- /How did Claire change her feelings to Tony when different incidents happened?以及与它们相关的主题句,让学生了解语篇内容,中间穿插了一些重点词汇(be tested out, bonus, leave…alone)的教学。在这一部分结束的时候进行课文主题的凸显:由Claire的情感变化主线“unacceptable→ alarmed→ embarrassed → having trust in→ thankful proud→ touched”引出主题——“satisfied”;在这基础上进行主题的挖掘

Step V: Using language
Finish the letter with what you’ve learned today.(Task II on the work sheet)
设计意图:学生用补全概要的形式对故事进行回顾,同时巩固所学语言知识。另外,由Tony“don’t want to be rebuilt”, 引出讨论环节。

Step VI。 Discussion
Do you think Tony will be rebuilt?
If so, what will a new one be like?
If not, why not?
设计意图: 结合文章作者提出的机器人三大原则,激发学生思考在机器人研制中存在的问题与对策,培养学生批判性思维。同时,在讨论过程中, 可鼓励学生使用本单元功能项目:猜测性表达。如:I don’t suppose…,等。

1. Surf the internet and find information about the author, Isaac Asimov and robots.
2. Write a summary of the passage and express your belief about the design of robots and send it to : vivan222@126.com