

  • 发布时间:2012-09-25 21:05:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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UNIT FOUR Ann’s family
Teaching Aims:
1、 Listening:
2、 Speaking:
3、 Reading:
能正确、流利的朗读课文对话及LOOK AND SAY中的对话;能正确读出图中物品的名字。
4、 Writing:
1. 学生在课文学习中,能够学会关心长辈。
2. 能正确运用英语询问他人或者接受自己。
Teaching Emphasis:
1、This is my family、That’s my.
Teaching Difficulty:

Who’s that
Lesson one (10-25)

Teaching Aims:
1、 The students can be understand the text.
2、The students like to learn English.
3、The students can be read the text.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. Review: How can use “Who’s that? That’s …” in dialogue. And answer it. How can use “This is…. ”
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “who’s that?” ”that’s…” “This is ”in dialogue.
Teaching Medium:
Step 1:
T: 让学生叙述家庭成员的(爷爷、奶奶、叔叔、阿姨、爸爸、妈妈、兄弟姐妹,引出“father”、“mother”、“brother”、“sister”)this is my family.

This is my family

S: Read and know the words.
Step 2:
T: OK, our today’s title is Ann’s family.Do you want to know Ann’s family? Please open your book,turn to page 38,look at picture and listen to my questions:
P1:What is mocky doing?(S:taking photos.)
Who are the people in the picture?(S:Ann’s family)
P2:What is Ann saying?(S:this is my family.)
P3:Who is uncle booky looking at(S:Ann’s mother.)
P4: Who is uncle booky looking at(S:Ann’s father.)
P5:Who is the girl in the picture?(S:Ann’s sisiter.)
P6:Who’s this?(S:this is ken.)
P7:Who’s that?(S:that’s Ann.)
P8:What is uncle booky showing?(S:his family.)
S:listen and repeat.
Step 3:
分组介绍,read the sentence.
Step 4:
Introduce their families to others: my family has my mother、my father、my brother……

Lesson two(10-28)

Teaching Aims:
1、use sentence of “this is”,“that is”
2、know the different between this two sentence.
Teaching Emphasis:
How to use “this is” and “that is”
Teaching Difficulty:
Introduce family. (this is/that is)
Teaching process:
T: Ask children to introduce their family use:“this is”“that’s”(That’s my mother. That’s my father.)
S: practice this two sentence.
T: Blackboard:

Grandmother grandfather

V mother father aunt uncle

Brother Ann sister
T:Open your book,turn to page 40 learn to say. Listen to the tape. Listen and repeat.(words)
S: Do it.
Listen to this.
T:this is a family tree. first time:放一句录音(that’s my sister.)同学去指。继续听,指出正确答案。second time: circle the words. Third time: check the answer.
S: do it.
Step4: play a game:p41,指图:who’s this? This is ……一一回答。人物与单词连线,人物与轮廓连线,多出来的猜一猜是谁?

Lesson three(10-31)

Teaching Aims:
1、 Say the dialogues explain the mind.
2、can read the new words and know the letters.
Teaching Emphasis:
Review: How can use “that’s my…?”.
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use“that’s my…” 、“this is my…”
Teaching process:
Step 1:
Review:this is my family(father、mother……)提出问题:那是你的家人吗?Is this your family? Yes,this is my family.
Step 2:
Student book page 42:
Say to the children: “Open your books.”
T: what are they doing?
S: looking at picture.
Listen to the tape and repeat.重点黑体字。
Step 3:
Listen and number:
T: this part is about Ann’s family. Listen to the tape and number the picture. Three times(1listen,2number,3check.)
Step 4:
Review the letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I,j,k,l,m,n
T: n的下一个字母是…O
Replay the tape, and have the children point to the matching pictures in their book.
S: replay the tape and have the children say the word aloud.
Step 5:
Repeat the procedure that was used to introduce the letter Oo and orange.
Have the children open their books at page 43. Explain that you want them to :
Color all the letters in different colors.

Lesson four (11-3)

Teaching Aims:
1、know the words, students can read and write letter O-R.
2、Keep the students like to learn English.
3、The students can use the sentence “this is ”to introduce their family. “that’s my”
Teaching Emphasis:
1、Review: How can use “that’s my”in life.
2、Emphasis sentence: This is…. That’s
3、learn and write the letters.
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “this is” “That’s” in life.
Teaching process:
T: Say,“look at the video write the letter O”computer write the letters.
S: The students write the letter in the air with the video. Then trace and copy.
Repeat for the small letter “o”.
Follow the same procedure for Pp,Qq,Rr.
Step 2:
S: Draw the children’s attention to the pictures at the bottom half of the page.
T: Play the video. The children repeat the word and point to its beginning letter.
Without the tape , have the children point to each picture in turn and say the beginning sound.
S: Make it. Say the word cards one by one. Point to it’s beginning letters.
Step 3:
T: Thouch and say: review:
Use the mask of mocky and say: this is mocky, and then say the sentence “this is Ann. This isn’t wang ling.”
S: Make it.
Step 4:
T: Have the children open their books at the top of page 45.
Touch and say:point to the picture and ask:who’s this?(this is Peter,Wangling,Tommy,deer,lulu,panda,rooster.)
Draw the children’s attention to the bottom part of the page. Write the sentence on the blackboard, important: who’s=who is. /that’s = that is .
Step 5:
练习:黑板上:连线:that’s my father,mother,brother……
Step 6:
Write the letters.

Lesson five (11-5)

Teaching Aims:
1、Students can read and write the letters.
2、Keep the students like to learn English.
3、The students can use the sentence “this is ”、“that is” in their life.
Teaching Emphasis:
1、How can use “this is my ”“that’s my”in life.
2、Emphasis sentence: That’s…. this is….
3、learn and write the letters.
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use“who’s this?” “This is….” “who’s that”、“that’s” in life.
Teaching process:
Step1: T: ask the students to open book turn to page 46, point to Ann: who’s that?
S: that’s Ann.
T: 指着两边的人物问:“who are they?”
S: answer. Read the sentence and matching.
Review: rat,rabbit,panda,
S: Read the words.
T: Put the words in the chant。Read it for the students。
S: Listen and read.
画一画:my mother,my father,my grandfather…
Color the pictures of 34. use the sentence“that is”、“this is”

Lesson six (11-10)

Teaching Aims:
1. Use the sentence is very expertly and read the dialogue.
2. The students like to learn English.
3. The students can be very expertly use This is. That’s. Read words, write letters.
Teaching Emphasis:
1. The letters.
2. Emphasis sentence:“ who’s that That is…. This is….” very expertly in life.
Teaching Difficulty:
How can use “this is; that is ”to introduce family.
Teaching process:
Step 1:
Who is that?That is… Who is this?this is(father,mother,brother…)
Step 2:
Uncle Booky’s storytime:
Student book page 48
T: 1. Make a scene: we are going to listen to a story. Is about Tom’s family.
2. Pla y the tape. Ask the children to listen to the story with their books closed.
S: listen to the tape.
T: Ask the children open their books and look at pictures.
S: Guessing the meaning of the words. Read after the tape.
T and S:
Divide some roles for this story and do it.
Step 3:
Student book page 49
S:introduce your family;circle the beginning letters.
Write the letter.

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