
深圳版二年级下册英语Unit 4 Senses教案



Primary English for China Book 4
Unit 4 Senses
Task objectives
Identify questions, statements, imperatives, etc. by recognizing intonation
Spell vowel letters correctly in words
Say simple words, phrases or sentences by looking at pictures
Use proper pronunciation and intonation
Language focus
What can you see?
I can see/hear/smell a …
I see/hear/smell with my …
Topic vocabulary
train, plane, ship, van, road, truck, lorry
Additional language
We’re in Bird Park. We can’t cross the road now.
Let’s wait. Let’s eat here.
Throw-away words
Unit heading: senses
Sound and rhyme words: rain, sail, go away, want to
Rubrics: Choose a picture. Write. Then tell your friend. Ask your friend to guess. Say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Song words: things, every day
The first period
Teach A. Point and say.
1 Bring in a toy train, plane, truck, van, lorry and ship.
2 (Books closed.) Introduce or revise the names of the vehicles using the toys. Write the names on the board.
3 Drill the words by asking the pupils to point to the correct toy. Then point to the toys and ask the pupils to tell me the names.
4 Revise I can … by showing and telling the pupils that I can run or jump. Point to my eyes making them very wide open and say I can see. Close my eyes and cover them with my hands saying I can’t see. Write ‘I can see’ on the board. Ask the pupils to repeat my actions and make appropriate sentences.
5 Show the vehicles one by one and ask the pupils What can you see? Encourage them to answer I can see a …
6 Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.
1 (Books open.) Show Transparency. Point to the pictures of different vehicles on the page asking What can you see? Encourage the pupils to answer I can see a …
2 Draw the pupils’ attention to the two children behind the wall in the picture. Point to the short boy saying He’s short. He can’t see. Then point to the taller girl and say She’s tall. She can see. Read the children’s speech bubbles. Get the pupils to point to the plane.
3 Make sentences using I can see a … for the other vehicles. Get the pupils to point to the correct pictures.
4 Ask the pupils to take turns to role-play the children in the picture.
More to do
1 Check that the pupils know the starting sound (e.g. say ‘t’ for train) of each of the vehicles.
2 Say I can see a … and the starting sound in the name of one of the vehicles. Let the pupils guess. If they cannot guess, give them another clue, e.g. the colour of the object. Encourage the pupil who guesses correctly to say I can see a … and play the game again.
Recite the new words.
Write the copybook.

The second period
What can you see? I can see a …
Teach B. Say and act.
1 Bring in a cut orange and a toy car, train or truck. The toy must be one that makes a noise.
2 (Books closed.) Draw a face on the board. Point to and revise the words eyes, ears and nose from Pupil’s book 1.
3 Revise I can see a … by making sentences about some of the objects in the classroom, e.g. a desk, a chair, a window, a board and a door. Point to my eyes and say I see with my eyes. I can see a student.
4 Show the pupils the toy. Make a noise with it. Point to my ears. Say e.g. I hear with my ears. I can hear a car. Make the noise again and encourage the pupils to repeat the sentences.
5 Show the pupils the cut orange and gesture to them to smell it. Point to my nose. Say I smell with my nose. I can smell the orange.
6 Say sentences with I can smell/hear/see with my … Ask the pupils to point to the appropriate organ of sense. Write smell - nose, hear - ears, see - eyes on the board.
1 (Books open.) Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.
2 Show the pupils the small pictures of other things that the characters can hear, smell and see and help the pupils to complete the sentences about them.
3 Ask the pupils to work in groups of three to complete the conversation. The pupils take turns to role-play the characters and talk about the other things that Koko can see, Pat can hear and Tim can smell.
Recite part B.
Write the copybook.
把What can you see?的句子联系和扩展到What can you smell?和What can you hear?学生比较容易掌握和理解。 I see/smell/hear with my eyes/nose/ears.的句子结构学生容易搞错。

The third period
Teach C. Storytime
1 Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as I read them.
2 Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3 Point to the blind boy in picture 1. Explain that he cannot see. Show his stick.
4 Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.
5 Use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
Teach D. Tick or cross.
Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech bubble with the pupils. Demonstrate how to do the first one with the pupils as an example. Check answers using Transparency.
Dictation about the words and sentences in this unit.
Recite part C.
重点练习了I see/smell/hear with my eyes/nose/ears.和I can see/smell/hear …这些句型。

The fourth period
Recite part C.
Teach E. Say the sound and the words.
1 Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. Point out the two possible spelling of this sound.
2 Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.
3 Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
4 Play the tape again. Ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and point to the actions of the children when they are said in the rhyme. Then ask the pupils to draw the rain (in the window). Get the pupils to say the rhyme.
Teach F. Look and do.
1 Show the pupils Picture A and Picture B. ask them to look at the things in the picture and give me some examples of things they can see, hear and smell.
2 Tell the pupils to work in pairs. Ask them to choose Picture A and Picture B and to take turns to talk about the things they can see, hear, or smell in their picture, e.g. I smell with my nose. I can smell a flower. Their partner has to guess which picture they have chosen.
More to do
The pupils change partners and play the game again.
Teach G. Listen, write and sing.
1 Ask the pupils to tell me whether they can see, hear or smell the things in the pictures at the bottom of the page. Help the pupils guess what they should write in the blanks for each line of the second verse.
2 Play the pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song. Play the song twice to give the children time to hear and write the correct words in the blanks for the second verse.
3 Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words and to sing the third verse substituting items pictured at the bottom of the page.
Do Workbook exercises.

The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.16)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures on the left and circle the correct words on the right.
Workbook (p.17)
1 Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.
2 Ask the pupils to draw lines to match the pictures on the left and the ones on the right according to what they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.18)
1 Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.
2 Ask the pupils to number the pictures according to the sequence of the language.
Workbook (p.19)
1 Ask the pupils to look at the top of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to circle the correct presents according to the sound they hear on the tape.
2 Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks in the sentences.
Workbook (p.20)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the speech bubbles. Then tell them to match the match the pictures and verse substituting items pictured at the bottom of the page.