
深圳版第四册英语Unit 3 My robot教案



Primary English for China Book 4
Unit 3 My robot
Task objectives
Understand simple instructions and act accordingly
Use simple expressions and structures learned to interact with others
Spell vowel letters correctly in words
Write simple sentences correctly
Language focus
What’s in your …?
There’s a/an …
Is there a/an …?
Yes, there is.
Topic vocabulary
arm, head, knee, shoulder, foot, leg, hand
Additional language
Oh, dear!
That’s great.
Thank you, sir.
Throw-away words
Sound and rhyme words: bread, ready, steady, watch, go
Song word: toes
The first period
Teach A. Point and say.
Teach the new words
Introduce the parts of the body by pointing to my own body parts and saying the names: a head, a shoulder, an arm, a hand, a leg, a knee and a foot. Get the pupils to touch their body parts when reading the words. Show courseware.
Invite four pupils to the front. Show the class the picture cards of the body parts. Get the class to read the words and the four pupils to touch the right parts as quickly as they can.
Presentation of Part A
Prepare the body parts of a robot. Put them into a box. Invite a pupil to help me. Suppose I am the Doctor and ask: What’s in your box? Is there a ball? Is there a toy car? Is there a head? Get the pupils to answer me and give the body parts to me one by one. Set them together. It’s a robot. Then show courseware. Ask two pupils to act part A again. Play VCD of teaching.
Draw a simple robot on the board. Tell the class to shut their eyes. Rub off one part of the robot, e.g. the head or both legs. The pupils have to guess what’s missing by asking Is there a …? Answer Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
Recite the new words.
Write the copybook.
Teach your parents to say the body parts.
What’s in …这个句型的回答There’s/There are …学生不是很熟练,要多练习。

The second period
1. Point to my own body parts to review the following words
hand, arm, knee, shoulder, head, leg, foot, feet.
2. Show a robot (courseware) and ask the students ‘What’s this?’ ‘It’s a robot’. Point to the robot’s head and legs, ask “Is there a head?” (Yes, there is.) “Are there two legs?” (Yes, there are.) Point to the other parts to practise the sentence “Is there…? Are there…?”
Teach B. Say and act.
1. Show two robots (courseware), one has a small head and the other has a big head. Talk about the robots.
Look at this robot.
It has a small head
Look at this robot.
It has a big head.
2. Point to one robot, ask the students to describe its head, arms, legs and shoulder.(courseware)
(a small head, short arms, long legs, big shoulders )
Look at my robot. It has a small head. It has short arms. It has long legs. It has big shoulders.
Point to the other robot, ask the students to describe its head, legs, hands, feet and arms.
(a big head, short legs, big hands, big feet, long arms)
Here’s my robot. It has a big head. It has short legs. It has big hands. It has big feet. It has long arms.

1 (Books open.) Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. The pupils listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.
2 Show the pupils that the two robots are different. Read the sentences in the speech bubbles with the pupils and ask the m to point to the correct body for each one.
3 Help the pupils to complete the sentences about the other robots in picture 3 and picture 4.
4 Ask the pupils to work in groups of four to complete the conversation. The pupils take turns to role-play the children with the different robots.
More to do
1 Play a guessing game. Describe one of the robots on the page. Describe the robots in pictures 1 and 2 by using a different sentence order from the one in the book. Get the pupils to say the number of the picture for the robot I am describing.
2 Ask one or two pupils to come up to the front. When I make a sentence describing a body part, the pupils should point to the body part and make a gesture to fit the description.
Recite part B.
Write the copybook.
Draw two different robots and describe them.
B部分的读和写都不容易掌握得好,特别是It has后面接名词的单数时学生经常忘了加a或an。

The third period
Invite some students to show the robots they drew and describe their robots.
Teach C Storytime
1) Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as I read them.
2) Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3) Ask the pupils to come up and play the roles of Koko, Pat and the robot scientist.
4) Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and read the characters’ speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.
5) Use Storycards to revise sequence and language of the story.
Teach D Circle the correct words.
Ask the pupils to read the story again. Read the words in the speech bubbles with the pupils. Demonstrate how to circle the correct choice in the first sentence as an example. Use Transparency to check the answers.
Dictation about the words and sentences in this unit.
Recite part C.

The fourth period
Teach E. Say the sound and the words.
1. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words. Point out the spelling of this sound. It is important that the pupils realize the vowel sound is spelt with two letters. This is a short vowel sound.
2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.
3. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
4. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to point to the waiter’s head and bread. Get the pupils to say the rhyme.
Teach F. Look and do.
1) Show the pupils the body parts of the robot on page 62. Tell them to cut out a head, legs and arms. Show them the body and have them cut it out.
2) Tell the pupils to paste the body parts they have chosen for their robot onto a piece of paper. Tell them to describe their robot by filling in the blanks on the bottom left of page 17.
3) Tell the pupils to work in pairs. Ask them to take turns to show their friend their robot and talk about it. They can write sentences about their friend’s robot.
More to do
The more able pupils can tell their friends what their robot can do, e.g. It can run. It can jump. It can fly.
Teach G. Listen, do and sing.
Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils to listen to the song. Show the pupils how to do the different actions shown in the pictures. Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.
Do Workbook exercises.

The fifth period
Do Workbook exercises
Workbook (p.11)
Ask the pupils to look at the picture and write the correct words from the list in the crossword puzzle.
Workbook (p.12)
1 Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.
2 Ask the pupils to colour the correct pictures according to what they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.13)
1 Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.
2 Ask the pupils to tick the correct pictures according to what they hear on the tape.
Workbook (p.14)
1 Ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to draw a line to the correct car according to the sound they hear on the tape.
2 Ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. Tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks in the sentences for the pictures.
Workbook (p.15)
Ask the pupils to look at the pictures at the top of the page and read the sentences at the bottom of the page. Then tell them to match the pictures and the sentences by writing the correct letters in the circles.