

  • 发布时间:2010-12-05 21:38:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Speaking English---Describe the person
From Kuiwen experimental primary school
Part 1 Analysis of the students
The students of Grade 5 have already learned some simple English . They are familiar with the classmates . and they are interested in describing them (such as hobbies, characteristics etc.). They like to learn English by organizing activities . For they are still children and they are very active and competitive.
Part 2 Analysis of the teaching material
In this lesson the words and sentences are learned before, so the students are familiar with them. Teacher should pay attention to organizing the whole class. Lead the students to speak English .
Part 3 Aims of teaching
This is a conversation lesson .so my purpose is to foster the students' conversation abilities . Establish a pleased study atmosphere . Encourage the students to speak English bravely. Enable the students to use English in communication way. Develop the students' interest in studying English .
Part 4 Teaching aids : CAI  
Part 5 Teaching procedures and my purpose
Step 1 Greeting and Warming-up
a. sing a song:
b. TPR: act like a fish, a bird, a monkey, etc
[Purpose: To produce a warm and relaxing teaching atmosphere .]
Step 2 Guessing
To show the courseware and let the students guess what they are. Then describe them.
If students guess right, teacher gives him/her a gift.
[Purpose: In this step from the guessing game teacher can arouse the students' interests easily. Because as students of Grade 5 they are active and have wide imagination.]
Step 3 Describing and guessing
Say the characteristics of some students ,let students guess who he/ she is.
Step 4 Introduction
Students introduce themselves to others. (including characteristics, favorite color /sport/food/subject ,etc. )
Step 5 Finding game
Have a competition: teacher gives each group a form ,let students make more dialogues. Fill the form ,then see which group finishes it quickly.
Have a competition. Find who he/she is according to the describing.
[Purpose: in this step the communicative approach is used here. From the finding games and competitive games teacher can arouse the students' interest in the high. At the same time let students practice saying English with many classmates can provide more time and space for students to communicate with each other.
Step 6 Consolidation
Teacher acts as model and students describe her/him. Imagine and guess what he likes and dislikes .They can ask some questions .
Step 7 Play a game.