

  • 发布时间:2016-04-11 09:19:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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1.爸爸;父亲 father 2.妈妈;母亲 mother 3.(外)祖父 grandfather 4.(外)祖母 grandmother 5.有;吃 have 6.有;吃(第三人称单数形式)has 7.哥哥;弟弟 brother 8.姐姐;妹妹 sister 9.父亲;母亲 parent 10.白色,白色的 white 11.头发 hair 12.黑色,黑色的 black 13.伯父,叔父 uncle 14.姑母,姨母 aunt 15.堂兄(弟、姐、妹);表兄(弟、姐,妹) cousin 16.瘦的 thin 17.工作 work 18.医生 doctor 19.医院 hospital 20.护士nurse 21.工人worker 22.散步,步行 walk 23.高的 tall 24.种植 plant 25.花朵 flower 26.烹调 cook 27.我们 we 28.家庭 family 29.电影,影片film 30.长的 long
1.去散步 go for a walk 2.种花 plant flowers 3.浇花water flowers 4.去购物 go shopping 5.看书 read a book/read books 6.在电脑上工作 work on the computer 7.看电影 watch/see a film 8.看动物 watch the animals 9.放风筝 fly a kite/fly kites 10.走路去上班 walk to work /go to work on foot
1.我没有兄弟也没有姐妹。 I don’t have brothers or sisters.
2.你爸爸是做什么的?我爸爸是一名医生。 What does your father do ? / What’s your father’s job ? / What is your father ?
My father is a doctor.
3.他在哪里工作? 他在医院工作。 Where does he work ?
He works in a hospital.
4.他怎么去上班? 他开车去上班。 How does he go to work?
He drives to work.
5.我的家人喜欢一起吃晚餐。My family likes to have dinner together.
1.澳大利亚Australia 2.加拿大Canada 3.中国China 4.英国the U.K 5.美国the U.S 6.首都capital 7.城市city 8.国家country 9.地图map 10.汉语Chinese 11.英语English 12.知道know 13.讲……语言speak 14.关于about 15.……的of 16.这里,在这儿here 17.美丽的,漂亮的beautiful 18.星星star 19.法语French 20.天安门广场Tian’an men Square 21.故宫博物馆the Palace Museum 22.一张世界地图a map of the world 23.美国的国旗the flag of the U.S 24.相同的same 25.不同的different 26.长城the Great Wall27.瀑布waterfall 28.尼亚加拉大瀑布Niagara Falls 29.加拿大国家电视塔the CN Tower 30.渥太华Ottawa 31.紧挨着next to 32.华盛顿Washington,D.C.33.条纹stripe 34.白宫the White House 35.总统president 36.纽约 New York 37.自由女神像Statue of Liberty 38.正确的right 39.国王king 40.女王queen 41.钟表clock 42.大本钟Big Ben 43.白金汉宫Buckingham Palace 44.伦敦London 45.里面的 inside 46.堪培拉Canberra 47.袋鼠kangaroo 48.海滩beach 49.北京Beijing 50.喜欢做某事like to do sth
1.中国的首都城市是哪里? 北京是中国的首都。
What’s the capital city of China? Beijing is the capital city of China.
3.在中国他们说什么语言? 他们说汉语。
What do they speak in China ? They speak Chinese.
4.中国的国旗是什么颜色? 它是红色和黄色。
What colour is the flag of China ? It’s red and yellow.
1.What’s the capital city of ________? ________ is the capital city of ________.
2.What do they speak in __________? They speak ______________.
3.What colour is the flag of ___________? It’s ___________________.
国家 首都 国旗(颜色及图案 语言 标志性事物(建筑、名胜或动物)
China Beijing
red and yellow
(五星红旗) Chinese Tian’an men Square
the Palace Museum
the Great Wall
Canada Ottawa
(枫叶旗) English
French Niagara Falls
the CN Tower
the U.S. Washington,D.C.
and blue
(星条旗) English the White house
Statue of Liberty in New York
the U.K. London
and blue
(米字旗) English king or queen
Buckingham Palace in London
Australia Canberra
red white and blue
(里面有英国国旗) English kangaroo
beautiful beaches

1.爱;喜欢love2.旅行travel3.有趣的;有吸引力的interesting4.地方;场所place 5.可以may 6.年轻的;幼小的young 7.来come 8.极好的;伟大的;巨大的 great 9.打电话;通话call 10.慢的;缓慢的slow 11.飞机plane 12.快的;迅速的fast 13.火车train 14.从……到……from…to… 15.星期日Sunday 16.星期一Monday 17.星期二Tuesday 18.星期三Wednesday 19.星期四Thursday 20.星期五Friday 21.星期六Saturday 22.公共汽车bus 23.小轿车car 24.大卡车truck 25.自行车bike/bicycle 26.出租汽车taxi/cab 27.一月January 28.二月February 29.三月March 30.四月April 31.五月May 32.六月June 33.七月July 34.八月August 35.九月September 36.十月October 37.十一月November 38.十二月December 39.第一 first 40.第二second 41.第五fifth 42.第八eighth 43第九ninth 44.十三thirteen 45.十四fourteen46.十五fifteen 47.三十二thirty-two 48.二十三twenty-three 49.四十五forty-five 50.四百五十九four hundred fifty-nine
1.去电影院go to the cinema 2.喜欢做某事love to do sth 3.想要做某事 want to do sth 4.去公园go to the park 5.去购物go shopping 6.打乒乓球play ping-pong 7.乘坐火车take a train 8.到北京旅游travel to Beijing/go on a trip to Beijing
1.我喜欢旅行。I love to travel.
There are many interesting places in Beijing.
May I go to the Great Wall? Yes, you may.
4.我可以住在北京吗? 不,你不可以。
May I live in Beijing? No, you may not.
5.这是公共汽车。公共汽车很慢。This is a bus. A bus is slow.
6.这是飞机。飞机很快。This is a plane. A plane is fast.
7.从石家庄到北京有多远?有278千米。How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? It’s 278 kilometres .
8.咱们坐飞机去北京吧!Let’s go to Beijing by plane.

1. 在……(某处或某时间)at 2.晚上;傍晚evening 3.令人愉快的;好的nice 4.相遇;遇见;会面 meet5.早晨;上午morning 6.下午afternoon 7.房间;室room 8.门door 9.窗window 9.做;制造make 10.小孩;家伙kid 11.年;岁year 12.而且;也also 13.船,小船boat 14.月亮;月球moon 15.令人高兴的;奇妙的;精彩的wonderful 16.那些those 17.那个that 18.这个this 9.这些these 20.牛ox 21.鼠rat 22.龙dragon 23.蛇snake 24.鸡rooster 25.羊sheep 26.第一first 26.马horse 27.猴monkey 28.兔rabbit 29.老虎tiger30.猪pig 31.狗dog 32.第一first 33.第二second 34.第三third 35.第五fifth 36.第八eighth 37.第九ninth 38.第十二twelfth 39.地板floor 40.火车票train ticket 41.照相机camera
1.到达arrive in/at 2.在晚上in the evening 3.在上午in the morning 4.在下午in the afternoon 5.买新衣服buy new clothes 6.清扫房屋clean house 7.包饺子make dumplings 8.拿/得到压岁钱get lucky money 9.拜访家人和朋友visit family and friends 10.赏月watch the moon 11.吃月饼eat moon cakes 12.举办龙舟比赛have dragon boat races 13.吃粽子eat zongzi
1.你旅途愉快吗?Did you have a good trip?
We will go to Beijing at 11:58 in the morning on February 3.
What do you do for/on the Spring Festival?
我喜欢在春节吃饺子。I like to eat dumplings on the Spring Festival.
4.你最喜欢那个节日What’s your favourite holiday?
我最喜欢中秋节(端午节)。My favourite holiday is the Mid-Autumn Festival..
5.你属什么?What’s your year?
我属龙。My year is the year of the dragon.
6.你们需要什么?What do you need?
我们需要火车票、相机和一些食物。We need train tickets、a camera and some food.
7.我喜欢这件蓝色的毛衣。I like this blue sweater.
我不喜欢那件橘色的毛衣。I don’t like that blue sweater.
8.我喜欢这条裤子。I like these trousers.
我不喜欢那条裤子。I don’t those trousers.
1,ow : know slow elbow snow show
2, oa: coat boat road soap
3, o: nose home rose

