
冀教版小学英语第六册Lesson 26:Jenny Goes Home教学设计

  • 发布时间:2010-07-28 14:20:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Lesson 26:Jenny Goes Home教学设计
I’ll finish this lesson in six steps:
Step One: Warm up and review
1) Greeting.
2) Ask and answer.
T: What day is it today.( Write “today” on the blackboard)
Ss: It is ____________.
T: What day was yesterday? ( Write “yesterday” on the blackboard)
Ss: It was __________.
【Purpose: In order to lead out the present tense and the past tense.】
3) Review. ( CAI)
Step Two: New words
T : They are regular past tense verbs, today let’s learn some irregular past tense verbs.
(Draw some pictures on the blackboard, and write : went, saw, ate.)
T : Today I go to the park. Yesterday I went to the zoo.
Today I see some flowers. Yesterday I saw some trees.
Today I eat an apple. Yesterday I ate a melon.
After writting the words on the blackboard.
(1) Read and teach the new words.
(2) Hold on the cards and practice the words.
(3) Make sentences. (CAI).
(4) Ask the students to read Part one.
【Purpose: In order to help the students consolidate the new words and the sentences.】
Step Three: Story
T : From Lesson25, we know that LiMing goes home from Beijing, and he shopped a shirt for his father. Today, let’s look at what did Jenny shop for her mother?
① Look at the vidio.
② Read the story with questions.(Ask a student to read the questions )
③ Discuss the questions in groups and they can ask and answer other questions.
④ Role-play.
【Purpose: It can help the students understand the story clearly and develop the students’ abilities of cooperation.】
Step Four: Exercises
Do some exercises, call students to answer.
【Purpose: Check if the students grasp new knowledge and the past tense. 】
Step Five: Song
T : You did a good job. Now let’s sing a song together.
Step Six: Homework
① Recite and write new words
② Make sentences with new words
③ Act the story in pairs
【Purpose: In order to make the students remember new words and let them use past tense freely.】

Writing on the blackboard:

Lesson26: Jenny Goes Home

Today Yesterday
go went
see saw
eat ate
