
译林英语九年级上册 Unit3 Teenage problems说课稿

  • 发布时间:2015-04-13 20:43:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
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9A U3 Teenage problems

1. 教材分析
To identify specific information about Teenage Problems

2. 学情分析
1. To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe teenage problems
2. To guess meaning from context
3.To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe teenage problems at the same time, learn more new words and phrases.
3. 教学目标(含重、难点)
1. To guess general meanings from keywords and context

2. To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details

4. 教学过程
Step 1 Making A Revision
1. I will ask students to read the two letters together.
2. I will ask some questions to remind them of the two letters What is Millie’s problem? (She spends so much time doing her homework that she can’t find any time for her hobbies.)
② What does she want Sigmund Friend to do? (She hopes Sigmund can teach her how to achieve a balance between hobbies and study.)
③ What is Simon’s problem? (He spends too much time on football, he is crazy about it. But his parents don’t like this.)
④ What does he think of his parents? (They are strict.)Step 2 Practicing
1. I will choose some students to read the text and then 1. I will ask students to read fast and then show a list of key words and ask students to retell the two letters according to them.
Show two pictures of Millie and Simon, with words beside them.
Mille: lots of hobbies, a lot of homework, feel bad, focus on/ give up, achieve a balance
Simon: be crazy about, stay out late, parents stressed/ angry, spend some time on hobbies
2. I will say, “In the last class you have offered some suggestions to Millie and Simon. Now let’s see Sigmund Friend’s advice.” Ask students to finish Part D on page 47 on their own. Check the answer and read the two replies.
3. Explain “It seems that…/seem to do sth.” e.g. You seem to have a lot of hobbies= It seems that you have a lot of hobbies.
Step 4 Consolidation Exercises
你能给我一些有价值的建议吗?Can you offer me some valuable suggestions? 我父母对我很严格。他们要我集中精力学习。My parents are strict with me. They ask me to focus on my study.
我痴迷于篮球。我每天都呆在外面很晚打篮球。I’m crazy about basketball.
Step 5 Doing Homework
1. Recite the text.
Do some more consolidation exercises.
What is Millie’s problem?
What is Simon’s problem?
Mille: lots of hobbies, a lot of homework, feel bad, focus on/ give up, achieve a balance
Simon: be crazy about, stay out late, parents stressed/ angry, spend some time on hobbies


1. I will choose some students to read the text and then 1. I will ask students to read fast and then show a list of key words and ask students to retell the two letters according to them.
Show two pictures of Millie and Simon, with words beside them.
Mille: lots of hobbies, a lot of homework, feel bad, focus on/ give up, achieve a balance
Simon: be crazy about, stay out late, parents stressed/ angry, spend some time on hobbies
2. I will say, “In the last class you have offered some suggestions to Millie and Simon. Now let’s see Sigmund Friend’s advice.” Ask students to finish Part D on page 47 on their own. Check the answer and read the two replies.
3. Explain “It seems that…/seem to do sth.” e.g. You seem to have a lot of hobbies= It seems that you have a lot of hobbies.

This reading is very important .so first we must read it more ,even recite it .it has a lot of phrases we should master.




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