《Cartoons and comic strips are around us》说课稿 本课的主题是卡通和漫画.这是现代社会成年人和儿童都喜欢的休闲消遣方式.为此,从耳熟能详的卡通形象入手,用学生已经掌握的句型来引入课文教学是比较有效的.本课的教学目的是通读课文,了解课文大意,并掌握课文中重要语言点.因此,我这样设计课堂教学: 一.引入阶段: 展示"白雪公主","加菲猫""米老鼠""狮子王"等卡通形象.通过师问生答,接龙的方式,引入Cartoons and Comic Strips are around us. 的主题. ( Name these cartoon characters and introduce them with one or two sentences one by one without repeating. ) 二.快速阅读,了解大意 快速阅读课文每个段落的首句和末句,找出每段的段落大意. 帮助学生对课文的结构有通盘认识,为接下来的精读课文打下基础. 1.B gives a definition of the cartoon and the comic strip. 2. A is about the birth of cartoons and comic strips. 3. D shows us the significance of a cartoon.