一年级英语学科教学计划 姓名 班级 一(2) 人数 男 备注 女
情况分析 一(2)班共有学生42人,学生整体水平较平均,对英语的学习兴趣较浓厚。课堂上, 学生都比较愿意说,乐于说,但是由于年龄的特点以及对于字母的陌生,学生在认读方面有点困难。虽能把握课本教学内容,但缺乏课外知识的拓展,因而班上缺乏尖子生。经过一学期的学习,大部分学生已经养成了较好的学习习惯,但也有个别学生学习习惯较差,造成英语学习成绩落后。
教材分析 The student’s book contains core language learning material, using a wide variety of text types and activities to introduce language; poems, stories, cartoons, dialogues and practical tasks all engage the student at his/her personal level. This language preparation provides students with the means to carry out successfully the subsequent learning tasks, which are fully described in the Teacher’s Book. A lively group of characters: Ben and Kitty Li, their friends and parents, Sam the dog, Miss Fang the teacher, all provide models to make language learning stimulating, enjoyable and appropriate to students’ lives.