
湘少版英语五上 Unit 9 My father helps me教案



Unit 9 My father helps me.
Period 1
一. 教学目标
1. 能听懂,会说新单词和短语
2. 能听懂,会说本课对话
3. 能理解并正确运用动词的第三人称单数形式
二. 教学重点及难点
1. 重点
2. 难点
三. 教学准备
四. 教学步骤
Step 1 Warming up
1. 师生问候
2. 听课文E部分英语歌曲 “Come and help me”
Step 2 Presentation and drill
1. 出示课文B部分单词卡片
T: Do you help your mother and father at home every Sunday?
Do you help your mother cook a meal?
Do you help your father water plants?
2. 让学生们运用已学新短语造句,对比动词原形与第三人称单数形式在用法上的区别.可分男女两组进行比赛,评出团体及个人冠军.同时通过总结各种繁琐的家务事,教育学生应多理解父母的辛劳,帮助父母分担家务.
T: Let’s have a match between boys and girls.
B: Mary can iron clothes.
Her mother irons clothes every Sunday.
She helps her mother on Sundays.
G: I can cook a meal.
Mother cooks a meal every day.
I help her every Sunday.
3. 出示课文A部分教学挂图,听录音,理解课文大意.
T: You are good children.
You help your parents a lot.
What about Dongdong and his sister?
Do you want to know?
OK! Look at the picture and listen to the recording.
Try to understand the conversation in Part A.
4. 根据课文内容快速抢答问题
Does Dongdong’s sister help her father and mother at home every day?
Is she a good girl?
Does Dongdong help his mother and father at home every day?
Is he a good boy?
Step 3 Practice
1. 听课文A部分录音,跟读
2. 同桌进行对话练习
3. 大声朗读
Step 4 Consolidation
1. 根据会话内容完成以下家务调查表
Yes No
Help your father and mother
Make the beds
Iron the clothes
Cook the meal
Clean the window
Water the plants
教师可增加wash the dishes, dust the table, sweep the floor等短语,然后选几名代表向全班同学汇报调查结果.
2. 评价
3. 练习
4. 家庭作业
Period 2
一. 教学目标
1. 能掌握新动词短语,并将其用于谈论日常行为
2. 能用所学短语及句型介绍自己做家务的情况
3. 能独立完成课文C部分练习
二. 教学重点及难点
1. 重点
2. 难点
能正确理解并区别短语cook a meal, have a meal, cook a big meal的含义
三. 教学准备
四. 教学步骤
Step 1 Warming up
1. 师生问候
2. 听英语歌曲 “Come and help me”
Step 2 Presentation and drill
1. T: Tell a short story with the phrases in Part B.
My mother often cooks a meal in the morning.
Sometimes I help her.
My brother helps my mother iron the clothes.
My father waters the plants in the morning and evening.
In the evening, the family members have a meal together.
2. 让全班学生大声朗读课文A部分
3. 听力练习,听音标号
① 课件出示课文B部分四幅图,让学生根据教师所报短语的顺序标号
② 课件出示课文A部分八幅图,打乱顺序,让学生根据教师所报内容标号.
4. 看图说话
① 课件逐一出示课文A部分中任意五幅图,描述图片内容
② 课件出示C部分四组图,描述图片内容
Step 3 Practice
Step 4 Consolidation
1. 完成以下调查表,然后选几名学生向大家汇报
Who does the housework in your family?
Housework Who
Make the beds
Iron the clothes
Cook the meal
Clean the windows
Water the plants
Other things
2. 评价
3. 家庭作业
Period 3
一. 教学目标
1. 能独立完成课文D部分的写作练习
2. 能表演唱课文E部分的英语歌曲
二. 教学重点及难点
1. 重点
2. 难点
三. 教学准备
四. 教学步骤
Step 1 Warming up
1. 师生问候
2. 听英语歌曲 “Come and help me”
3. 学生四人一组,讨论自己构思的日记
Step 2 Presentation and drill
1. 教学make-makes, iron-irons
2. 模仿造句
My mother washes the clothes.
My mother washes the clothes every Tuesday.
My mother washes the clothes every Tuesday, I help her.
I wash the clothes every Tuesday.
3. 完成课文D部分写作练习
Step 3 Practice
1. 朗读歌词,配以有趣的动作
2. 听录音,小声跟唱
3. 男女学生分组进行表演唱比赛
Step 4 Consolidation
1. 用以学短语改编课文E部分歌词.鼓励学生大胆想象,灵活运用.
2. 评价
3. 练习
4. 家庭作业


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