
英语小故事 Friendliness

  • 发布时间:2010-12-02 20:55:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Lion Learns Friendliness

Lion was being very naughty. He was scaring the other animals and chasing them all over. They didn't want to play with Lion. He wasn't being friendly. Lion saw Horse across the field. He started running after horse. Horse could run very fast but Lion was faster. Just about the time Lion caught up with Horse, Lion fell into a large hole. Horse ran away. He was afraid.
Elephant was walking near by. He heard Lion roaring "please, somebody help me get out of this hole". There were no other animals around because Lion had already scared them all away. Elephant came to the place he heard Lion roaring.
Elephant came to the hole where Lion was trapped. Elephant looked into the hole and saw Lion. Elephant asked Lion "What are you doing in that hole.” Lion said sadly "I was chasing the other animals around and I fell into this hole. Now nobody will help me get out because they are afraid
of me".
Elephant told Lion "you should try being more friendly and you would have friends to help you when you are in trouble. Lion said sadly "I know, and I'm very sorry I scared the other animals away".
Elephant said "I will help you out of the hole". Elephant stuck his long trunk down the hole and Lion climbed up Elephants long trunk and got out of the hole.
Elephant called all of the animals together and told them to come to see Lion.
Lion said, with great fullness in his voice looking at Elephant "this is my friend and I want you all to be my friend too".
Lion became very friendly with all of the other animals after that. He never scared them again. Now Lion was being Friendly.


ELEPHANT顺着声音走到跟前,看到了困在坑里的LION,于是问他:“你在那里干什么?” LION伤心地说:“我在追HORSE的时候,不小心掉进来了。现在没有动物会愿意把我救出来,因为他们都怕我。”
ELEPHANT对LION说:“你应该试着更友好一些,那么当你有困难的时候,就会有朋友帮你。”LION伤心地说:“我知道,很抱歉,我把他们都吓跑了。”ELEPHANT说:“我来救你吧!” ELEPHANT把鼻子伸到坑里,LION顺着ELEPHANT的鼻子爬了出来。
LION看着ELEPHANT大声说:“THIS IS MY FRIEND.我希望你们大家都能成为我的朋友。”
