

  • 发布时间:2010-12-02 21:00:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Cleanness Three special toothbrushes
There were once three special toothbrushes that loved to brush teeth. They would bush and brush and brush and would be so happy.
One day a girl picked up red brush toothbrush and started to brush. She brushed one two three four five six seven and then put him down. Red toothbrush yelled out HEY! HEY! You did’t finish! But the girl didn’t care. She just left. Red toothbrush said:“ You won’t have clean teeth unless you bush ten times. ”
Little later another girl came. She pick up yellow toothbrush and brush and brush one two three four five six seven and then out him down and left. Yellow toothbrush yelled out again HEY! HEY! You didn’t finish! But the girl didn’t care. She just left. Yellow toothbrush said:“ You won’t have clean teeth unless you bush ten times.”
Then another girl came. She pick up green toothbrush and started to brush one two three four five six seven eight nine ten. She then put him down rinsed her mouth and then picked him up one two three four five six seven eight nine ten. Oh , green toothbrush was so happy. This girl loves to have clean teeth. She rinsed again and then started to brush the last time one two three four five six seven eight nine ten. I love her. I want to her toothbrush.
Then when she put him down. He said to her :“Oh, please take me with you.” She said ,“OK” I like to brush my teeth and you are a good toothbrush and with that she pick up toothbrush put him in her pocket and went home.


从前有三支很特别的牙刷----红色、黄色和绿色的。 他们很喜欢刷牙,总是刷呀刷,很快活。一天有个小女孩拿起了RED牙刷开始刷牙,他刷呀刷, one two three four five six seven.然后放下就离开了.RED牙刷喊起来:“你还没刷完呢!你要刷十下才能刷干净啊!”可是这个小女孩不在乎的走开了。
接着另一个小女孩拿起了YELLOW牙刷开始刷牙,刷呀刷,one two three four five six seven然后她也放下离开了。YELLOW 牙刷也喊了起来:“嗨,嗨,你还没刷完呢! 你要刷十下才能干净啊”可是这个小女孩也不在乎的走开了。
又来了一个小女孩,她拿起了GREEN牙刷,开始刷牙,刷呀刷,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten。然后放下牙刷,漱了漱口,又开始刷牙了。one two three four five six seven eight nine ten. GREEN牙刷太高兴了,因为这个小女孩能把牙齿刷得干干净漱口,开始刷第三遍,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten.“我真爱她。”GREEN牙刷心里想。“我要做她的牙刷……”

上一篇文章:Kindness to animals story