- 发布时间:2010-12-02 20:57:00
- 发布者:吾爱
- 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Catch the fish Honesty
There was once a yellow fish, who had many good friends. One was a white fish, a black fish, green fish, and a red fish. Yellow fish was such a good, courteous and honest fish. Yellow fish would always say, "HELLO" to all the other fish, and when he talked to the other fish he would always tell the truth.
One day yellow fish was playing with his friends, white fish, black fish, and red fish. Red fish said, "CAN YOU GUYS CATCH ME?" The other fish said, "YES, WE CAN" and off they went to catch red fish while they were swimming fast the big green fish said, "HEY BE CAREFUL OF THE BABY FISH!" White fish, red fish, black fish, and yellow fish all said, "WE WILL BE". They
kept swimming fast when yellow fish not being careful crashed into baby blue fish.
Baby blue fish started to cry, "WAHHHH!! !" Quickly Big mama blue fish came over and asked, "WHO CRASHED INTO MY BABY BLUE FISH?". Yellow fish immediately came forward and said, "I AM SORRY, IT WAS ME". MAMA BLUE FISH SAID, "YOU WERE NOT CAREFUL! ... YOU SHOULD BE MORE CAREFUL! BUT I MUST SAY YOU ARE A GOOD FISH FOR BEING SO HONEST."
Yellow fish said, "I AM SORRY AND I WILL BE MORE CAREFUL. BABY BLUE FISH WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY WITH US?" he asked baby blue fish. Baby blue fish was very happy and immediately answered him, "OH, YES!” Then they all went off playing Catch the Fish.
有一天,YELLOW鱼同他的朋友—— WHITE 鱼、BLACK鱼和RED鱼一起玩。RED鱼说:“你们几个能追到我吗?其它的鱼回答:“是的,我们能。”然后,他们就开始追逐RED鱼。而且它们游得非常快,GREEN鱼说:“喂,小心别撞到小鱼。”WHITE鱼、RED鱼、BLACK鱼和YELLOW鱼说:“我们会小心的。”当YELLOW鱼不小心撞到BLUE鱼宝宝的时候,他们仍游得很快。
BLUE鱼宝宝开始哭了:“呜呜呜……”很快BLUE鱼妈妈游过来问道:“是谁撞到我的BLUE鱼宝宝的?”YELLOW鱼很快又上前说道:“I’M SORRY,是我。”BLUE鱼妈妈说:“你太不小心了!你应该很小心才对! 但我必须说你是一条好鱼,因为你很诚实。”
YELLOW 鱼说:“我很抱歉,以后我会小心的。”他又问BLUE 鱼宝宝说:“BLUE鱼宝宝,你愿意同我们一起玩吗?”BLUE鱼宝宝非常高兴,很快回答峨“噢,好呀好呀。”于是他们一起玩追逐的游戏。