
Kindness to Animals

  • 发布时间:2010-12-02 20:59:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Kindness to Animals The Thirsty Pig
There once a baby pig whose best friend in this world was a little bird. Bird loved to fly and would tell pig all about the blue , blue ocean and green, green trees that he would fly to. Pig loved to hear all about the wonderful other animals that lived in blue , blue ocean and green, green tress. One day pig decided he want to go meet all the other animals that lived there.
So , early in the morning pig started to walk with bird, flying to the blue, blue ocean and the green, green trees. He walked and walked and soon he was very tired and very thirsty. He was soooo thirsty he couldn’t take it anymore and soon started to cry.
A little girl was walking by came and saw the pig crying …“WHAT IS THE MATTER,PIG?” Pig said:“I AM SO THIRSTY, BUT THERE IS NO WATER HERE.”The girl said:“HMMM…THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM.OH, I KNOW,I WILL GO TO THE BLUE BLUE RIVER AND GET SOME WATER.” So she walked to the river which was very far away. When she got to the river, she realized that she didn’t have anything to hold the water with. She looked around her and saw a plant tree with big green green leaves. She carried some water come back to pig in a big green leaf.
Pig was so thankful and then pig said to bird:“WE BETTER GO HOME.I DIDN’T SEE THE BLUE BLUE OCEAN,BUT I DRINKWATER FROM THE BLUE RIVER, I WILL GO WITH YOU TO MEET ALL THE OTHER ANIMALS WHEN I GROW TO BE A BIG PIG.”Pig and bird said“GOODBYE”to the kind girl and they went home.

从前有一只PIG,在这个世界上,他最好的朋友是一只BIRD。BIRD喜欢飞,他告诉PIG他曾经飞过BLUE, BLUE 的大海,GREEN,GREEN 的森林。PIG喜欢听这些生活在BLUE, BLUE 的大海,GREEN,GREEN 的森林里的动物们的精彩故事。
这时一个小姑娘正好从旁边路过,看到PIG在哭,于是就问:“PIG你怎么了?” PIG说:“我特别渴,这里又没有水喝。”女孩说:“这可是个大问题……嗯,我知道了。我去BLUE,BLUE 的小河里去给你弄点儿水喝吧。”
因此,她去了一条离那儿很远的小河,走到小河边她才发现,忘了带盛水的东西。她看了看四周,看到一个大树,树上有GREEN, GREEN的叶子,于是她用叶子盛了些水带回来。
PIG非常感激小姑娘,PIG对BIRD说:“我们还是回家吧。虽然我没有看到BLUE,BLUE的大海,但我喝到了BLUE,BLUE 小河里的用GREEN ,GREEN的叶子盛的水。等我长大了,我再和你一起去见其他的小动物吧。”


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