- 发布时间:2010-12-02 20:53:00
- 发布者:吾爱
- 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Time For School
It is time for school to start.
After the long summer vacation the classroom had
collected very much dirt and dust. The Desks and chairs were dusty and dirty.
Octopus was the monitor of the school and he was very busy cleaning up the classroom. This was Octopus's job. Octopus needed to get the classroom ready for all the children. Octopus was very good at his job. He had many hands he could do many thing at the same time. He could clean the chairs and desks with two hands and dust off all of the books with another hand and at the same time he could sweep floors and make everything very, very clean,
At home the mother's and father's were busy too. They needed to get book bag's for carrying the books pencils and pens. They also needed to make sure all of the children took baths to make sure they were very clean for the first day of school. Their clothes needed to be washed clean and pressed neat. After all, it was the first day of school. The Teacher will be looking for Cleanliness, in the classroom and on the children.
The first day of school finally came. The books were dusted clean, the desks and chairs were clean and the floor was clean. The Teacher's desk was very, very clean. The Teacher's chair was very, very clean. Most of all, of the children were very, very clean and neat. The Teacher smiled.
She was very happy.
The Teacher liked cleanliness. Teacher thought, "This is going to be a very good school year"
卫生 开学了
看到这些, TEACHER笑了。