

  • 发布时间:2015-07-14 09:03:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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第一节1—5 CEABD 第二节1—5 CCABC
第三节 1—5 ACBBC 第四节1—5 CBCAB
21—25 ABCDC 26—30 BDCCD 31—35 DBDDA 36—40 DBBDC
41. action 42. doesn’t watch 43.fifth 44.swimming 45. relaxes 46. policewomen 47. studied 48.is singing
49. stories 50.unfriendly 51.language 52.after 53. be 54. uniform 55. dinner 56. lying
57.playing 58. medium 59. stay 60. stand
61.help mum wash the clothes 62. eat in the dining hall
63.On weekends 64. What else
65. took some photos 66. wear sunglasses in school
67. What do you think of /How about / What about my scarf 68. It’s kind of hot
69. swimming in the pool 70. went to summer camp
71—75 CDCBA 76—80 CADAB 81—85BDAAB 86—90 BAFDG
One Possible Version
Jim had no classes last weekend. On Saturday morning he got up a little later. After breakfast he did his homework and then played computer games. On that afternoon, he went to the zoo with some of his classmates. There they had a great time. On Sunday morning, he got up at seven o’clock. Then he went to visit his grandparents with his little brother and they had lunch in his parent’s house. After that he saw an soap opera. At around five o’clock, he played tennis with his brother. And then he went home at 6:30.