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7B Unit 7 Abilities 小组合作语法教学设计方案
1. To introduce the usage of can, could and may.
2. To use “ What and How” to express strong feelings.
To use “can”/ “could” to talk about ability
1 To foster the Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.
2 To train the Ss’ team spirit
四、重点 难点
The usage of can, could and may
五、教学方法与手段 :学生小组合作法。在尊重学生个性发展、面向全体学生的基础上,由浅入深,由已知到未知,循序渐进地深化教学内容。展开以教师为主导,以学生为主体的师生双边活动。另外,为了培养学生辨别、理解、分析、运用与归纳能力,教学中充分运用了多媒体辅助教学的手段,增强了教学的直观性和趣味性,加大了课堂密度,增强了教学效果。
Step 1. Presentation(7分钟)
Enjoy the picture and present the new words.
Step 2. Lead-in (5分钟)
Watch more pictures and talk about the usage of can and could.
Step 3. Presentation (6分钟)
Using “can”/ “could” to talk about ability.
We use “can” to talk about present ability.
We use “could” to talk about ability in the past.
e.g. I can (cannot /can’t /can not ) dance. What about you?
He could (couldn’t /could not) skate in the past. What about you?
2. Using ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’ to talk about permission.
1) can与could
can常用于口语中, 表示非正式的请求, 请求对象一般是家人或朋友。e.g.
— Can I borrow your bike, Simon?
西蒙, 我可以借一下你的自行车吗?
— Of course. 当然可以。
— Can I have some milk, Mum? 妈妈, 我可以喝点牛奶吗?
— Yes, you can. 好的。
2) could是can的过去式。在口语中, could常用来代替can向对方更委婉地提出请求, 用法上比can正式, 可以用于向老师或长辈提出请求, 这时could不表示过去, 回答一般还是用can。
e.g.— Could I use your computer, please?
请问, 我可以用一下你的电脑吗?
— Yes, you can. 可以。
 — Could I hand in our homework later, Mr Lin?
林老师, 我可以稍后交作业吗?
— No, you can’t. 不, 不行。
2. may
may也可以用来征求对方意见, 意为“可以”, 相当于could, 用法也比can更正式, 更礼貌, 一般用于向陌生人或所尊敬的人请求许可。
 --- May I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗?
--- Yes, please. 可以, 请问。
 --- May I come in, Mr Wu? 吴老师, 我可以进来吗?
---No, you may not. /No, you can’t .不行。
Step 4. Exercises(3分钟)
Ask and answer questions using “can” or “could”. Try to make dialogues in pairs.
1. _______ you speak Japanese?
2. _______ you play the piano last year?
3. _______ you cook?
4. _______ you use a computer when you were 3?
5. _______ you ride a bicycle when you were very young?
6. _______ you understand English TV programmes in 2000?
Step 5 Practice (10分钟)
为了让学生对情态动词进一步巩固,我设置了一个让学生制订进入图书馆的规则,给他们一些词组和图片,先让学生四人大组进行讨论,然后让几名学生进行口头汇报。紧接着,让学生把规则写出来,把学生的口头汇报材料进行适当补充。下面是其中一位同学所写的短文You can not eat or drink in the library. Library user can not make any noise. Do not take the reference books away from the library.You must show your reader’s card when you enter the library.Users cannot use cameras and video recorders inside the library.The computers are for the use of library users only.这样,学生自发的制订了图书馆规则,既进行了德育渗透,又完成了对所学语法知识的巩固,真可谓是一举多得。
Step 6 Make a survey What can we do?(14分钟)
4、以What can we do?为题写一调查报告
Sample report:
In our group, s1 can ride his bike to school , he thinks it is convenient and it is also safe. s2 can sing a lot of English songs, she thinks it can help her learn English well. s3 can play volleyball, she thinks it is good for health .I can play the piano and draw pictures.I think they are good for me.)
1. Remember the new words in this lesson.
2. Write an article on what we can do and what we can’t do.

Blackboard design:
can, could and may.
1. Ability.
can 现在的能力/ could 过去的能力
I can (cannot /can’t /can not ) dance.
He could (couldn’t /could not) skate in the past.
2. permission.
1) can常用于口语中, 非正式的请求, (家人或朋友)
— Can I borrow your bike, Simon?
— Of course。/ Sorry, you can’t.
2) could比can更委婉,比can正式, (老师或长辈)
请求中could不表示过去, 回答一般还是用can。
e.g.— Could I use your computer, please?
— Yes, you can. ---No, you can’t.
3)may更正式, 更礼貌, (陌生人或所尊敬的人)。
 --- May I ask you a question? --- Yes, please.
---No, you may not. /No, you can’t .。