木兰从军(英语情景剧) 时间:北魏。the Northern Wei Dynasty 地点:延安府尚义村。Shangyi Village Yan’an Mansio, 人物: 花木兰、木兰父母、北魏元帅贺廷玉、校尉、南厥首领、副将、双方众军士。Huamulan, Huamulan’s parents, the Marshal of the Northern Wei Dynasty: Hetingyu, officer of school, the head of South Turk, Assistant, Numbers noncommissioned office of both sides. [序幕。烟尘弥缦,杀声不绝。锣鼓起。北魏贺元帅正与南厥首领交锋,两人势均力敌,难分高下。双方军士战成一团,厮杀激烈。锣鼓忽止,舞台定格。(Prelude.The air is filled with smoke and dust,the faint sounds can be heard. The rhythm of Gongs and beating drums plays on. The Marshal of the Northern Wei Dynasty is putting up a good struggle with the leader of South Turk, and it’s hard to see who will be the winner in such a short time. Both parties of soliders are locked together in battle. Suddenly, the sound of the drums is stopped.舞台定格) 话外音: 公元前200多年,敌寇南厥进犯北魏延安府,贺廷玉元帅奉命领兵抗击,战况十分紧急。花木兰替父从军的故事就发生在这个时期。 Before 200 B.C. , the enemies of South Turk attacked Yan’an Mansion of Northern Wei Dynasty. Marshal He Tingyu led his soldiers to put up a good struggle against their enemies with a defensive mission. The situation was of great emergency. The story,that Hua Mulan took part in the army instead of her father, happened at that time. [定格毕。双方继续开打,仍难分难解,各自撒退,分左右下。 [隔光。 [校尉提锣上,军士甲举牌,牌上写有“征兵”二字,紧随校尉上。 校尉: (敲二下锣)贺元帅有令,前方战况紧急,为保彊土,就地征兵(敲二下锣)有军籍者先征,无军籍者新征(敲二下锣)征兵了——(下)