- 发布时间:2016-08-10 20:57:00
- 发布者:吾爱
- 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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禁止采摘攀折花草树木 Do not pick flowers or climb up trees
远离毒蛇 Keep Away from Venomous Snakes
原路返回 Please Return by the Way You Came/Go Back Via the Same Route
游客止步 No Admittance/No Visitors
请勿惊扰动物 Please Do Not Disturb the Animals
松树长廊 Pine Corridor
百花瀑布 Baihua(Myriad Flowers) Waterfall
请沿此路上山 Climbing Route/To the Top
售票处 Ticket Office
注意交通安全 Beware of Traffic
禁止取土 No Earth-Fetching
停车场 Parking Lot
请按秩序停放车辆 Please Park in Order
山路崎岖 请您注意安全 Mountain Roads are Accident-Prone, Please Be Safety Conscious.
禁止捕捉伤害野生动物 Do not harm or hunt wild animals
禁止采摘花草挖掘药材 Do not pick flowers or collect medical herbs
保护野生动植物 促进生态平衡
Please Protect Wildlife.
鸟类是人类的朋友,它们需要我们的关爱。Please Protect Wild Birds.
Notices to Visitors
1) Visitors must present their tickets before getting on the sightseeing shuttle.
2) It is prohibited to pet, tease, scare, or chase animals in the Strolling Area.
3) In the Beast Area, please make sure to keep the windows closed.
4) Visitors are not allowed to feed animals with the food they bring into the park. Please buy the animal feed sold within the park.
5) This is a Grade A Fire Prevention Area. Outdoor smoking is strictly prohibited.
6) Please protect the environment. Keep off the greenery.
7) Keep off the electric fences installed at the Monkey Hill and in the Beast Area.
8) Please protect the culture relics.
9) Pets or other animals are not admitted to the park.
Notice on Photography
Notice on Taking Photographs with Animals
1) Please buy an Animal Photograph Ticket in advance and enter the field with the ticket.
2) Please queue up to enter the field.
3) Follow staff instructions.
4) Each ticket is only valid for one kind of animal.
5) Visitors must be accompanied by staff to enter the field. It is prohibited to feed animals with the food you brought into the park. Teasing, scaring or petting animals are not allowed.
6) We do not accept liabilities for any injuries as a result of disobeying staff instructions.
1、猴子伤人 请勿靠近
Beware of Monkeys!
2、小心电网 请勿靠近
Keep Off the Electric Fence!
3、猴子伤人 严禁投食
Beware of Monkeys. Feeding Not Allowed.
4、一级防火区 严禁烟火
Grade A Fire Prevention Zone. Smoking or Use of Fire Prohibited.
5、猴子伤人 请勿打逗 请勿靠近
Beware of Monkeys.
Teasing and Feeding Prohibited.
6、保护森林资源 严禁野外用火
Protect Forest Resources. Outdoor Fire Use Prohibited.
7、严禁下车开窗 投喂自带食品
Do not leave your vehicle, open windows, or feed animals with brought-in food.
8、猴子伤人 严禁靠近 打逗 投喂
Beware of Monkeys. Teasing and Feeding Prohibited.
9、防火林区 严禁烟火
Fire Prevention Zone! Smoking or Use of Fire Prohibited.
10、注意安全 严防啄伤
Beware of Birds!
11、山上野猴伤人 请您切勿靠近
Caution! Wild Monkeys Are Dangerous.
12、动物伤人 严禁挑逗
Animals Can Be Dangerous. No Teasing.
13、注意安全 谨防啄伤
Beware of Birds
Keep a Safe Distance. Chasing or Teasing Animals Not Allowed!
20、请勿靠近护栏 请勿投喂动物
Keep Off the Guardrails. Don’t Feed the Animals.
White Tiger Garden, Wild Wolf Valley, Wild Boar Forest, Vulture Garden
Kangaroo Garden, Bear Cub Garden, Liger Cub Garden, Children’s Playground.
Please Walk on the Pavement.
Terminal (for Battery-powered Vehicles)
5、注意靠边停车 保持主线畅通
Pull over the curb. Keep Main Lanes Clear.
6、回程游览Return Route 猛兽区游览Beast Area Sightseeing
雉鸡园 Pheasant Garden 秃 鹫Vulture Garden
豹 园Leopard Garden 棕熊园Brown Bear Garden
美洲虎Jaguar 狮虎园Liger Garden
草食动物区Herbivore Zone 马来熊园Sun Bear Garden
羚牛园Oryx Garden 孟加拉虎园 Bangladeshi Tiger Garden
孔雀园Peacock Garden 东北虎园Siberian Tiger Garden
儿童动物园Children’s Playground非洲狮园African Lion Garden
7、自驾车前方左转Private Cars Turn Left Ahead.
8、自驾车前往游览路线Sightseeing Route for Private Cars
9、中餐厅Chinese Restaurant
10、游人止步 谢谢合作
No Admittance. Thank you for Your Cooperation.
11、快餐厅Snack Bar
12、游览车始发站Starting Station of Sightseeing Shuttle
13、游览车终点站Terminal Station of Sightseeing Shuttle
14、游客照相须知Notice on Photography
公园大门 Gate
猴山 Monkey Hill
雉鸡苑 Pheasant Gardens
夜行动物馆 Nocturnal Animals House
驯兽表演场 Tame Animals Performance Ground
狮虎山 Lion and Tiger Hill
熊山 Bear Hill
中型猛兽馆 Mid-sized Beast of Prey House
象馆 Elephant House
水禽湖 Water Bird Lake
犀牛馆 Rhinoceros House
豳风餐厅 Bin Feng Tang Restaurant
袋鼠 Kangaroo House
河马馆 Hippopotamus House
长颈鹿馆 Giraffe House
驼鸟 Ostrich
牡丹草 Peony Pavilion
鸣禽馆 Song Bird House
鹰山 Hawk Hill
斑马 Zebra
羚羊馆 Goral House
小动物爱心俱乐部 Loving Care Baby Animals Club
火烈鸟 Flamingo
两栖爬行馆 Amphibian and Reptile House
热带鱼馆 Tropical Fish House
金丝猴馆 Golden Monkey House
游乐场 Play Ground
野骆驼 Wild Camel
大猩猩馆 Gorilla House
长臂猿馆 Gibbon House
熊猫馆 Panda House
鹿苑 Deer Garden
热带小猴馆 Tropical Small Monkey House
羚牛 Takin (Budorcas taxicolor)
禽类动物 Birds
哺乳类动物 Mammals
两栖爬行动物 Amphibian and Reptile House
北京海洋馆 Beijing Aquarium
象馆 Elephant House
狮虎山 Lion and Tiger Hill
北大门 North Gate
犀牛馆 Rhinoceros House
河马馆 Hippopotamus House
科普馆 Popular Science Hall
南动物展区 South Animal Exhibition Area
熊山 Bear Hill
豳风餐厅 Bin Feng Tang Restaurant
雉鸡苑 Pheasant Garden
长颈鹿馆 Giraffe House