- 发布时间:2016-08-10 20:54:00
- 发布者:吾爱
- 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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售票处 Ticket office
票款当面点清 Please check your change.
热线电话 : 白天6506-5409 晚上6506-0339
Hot Line: Day 6506-5409 Night 6506-0339
开园: 6:00 Opening time: 6:00
静园: 22:00 Closing time: 22:00
止票: 21:00 No tickets sold after: 21:00
游客监督电话: Complaint Telephone:
公园景区管理中心 Park Administration Center
公园新景区门票收费价目表 Ticket Prices for the New Park
门票:5元/人.次 Admission: RMB 5
月票:8元/人.月 Monthly Ticket: RMB 8
年票:80元/张.年 Annual Ticket: RMB 80
年票:50元/张.年(凭老年证) Senior Citizen Annual Ticket: RMB 50 (With valid
门票优惠办法 Discount
物价局价格举报中心: Price Control Bureau:
物价局举报电话: Price Control Bureau:
南门入口 South Entrance
残疾人轮椅使用须知 Notice to People in Wheelchairs
放风筝游客须知 Notice about Kite Flying
游船码头 Boat Dock
厕所 Toilet
七彩乐园 Children’s Colorful Playground
游船码头 Boat Dock
游览车车站 Sightseeing Vehicle Station
南门 South Entrance
礼花广场 Fireworks Square
公园简介 Introduction to Sun Park
公园游览图 Map of Sun Park
码头售票处 Ticket Office for Boating
电瓶船 Accumulator Boat
手划船 Row Boat
脚踏船 Pedal Boat
公园游乐项目价目表 Sun Park Amusement Attractions Price List
每条船核定乘员: Boat Capacity:
售票时间:8:30-17:30 Hours of Operation: 8:30.-17:30
票款当面点清 Please check your change
公园游乐项目价目表 Sun Park Amusement Attractions Price List
商业餐饮服务区 Catering Service Area
Children less than 1 meter must be accompanied by adult with ticket.
售票亭 Ticket Office
豪华碰碰车 Luxury Bumper Car
禁止跳水 No Diving
禁止打闹 No Roughhousing
医务室 Clinic
为了您的健康和安全,请勿游泳,请勿上冰, 请勿捕鱼。
For your safety, do not swim or fish here. Do not walk on the ice.
保护环境草坪 Help take care of the environment
请爱护小草 Keep off the grass
植树区 Planting Area
健身园 Physical Exercises Area
办公区 Office
门前禁止停放各种车辆 No Parking around the Entrance
请勿吸烟 No Smoking
请勿攀爬 No Climbing
建议箱 Tourists’ Suggestion Box
公用电话 Public Phone
飞船运行时请游客远离围栏 Stay away from the railing when spaceship is running.
老年人残疾人售票窗口 Ticket Office for the Aged and Disabled
停车场内严禁行人穿行逗留 No Loitering
收费存车处存车须知 Notice on Parking
机动车停车场收费管理规定 Parking Fee Administration Rules
存车处收费标准 Parking Fees
Warning: Take care of your belongings
假山 Artificial Hill
1. Free admission for children under 1.2 meters
2. 50% discount for students with Student ID Card (Adult students excluded)
3. 50% discount for senior citizens with Senior Citizen Card and the disabled with Disability Card
4. 50% discount for people relying on social security funds
5. Free admission for soldiers and police in service, disabled soldiers and retired officers
(三) 、乘客须知
一 、客票当日有效,1米以下儿童乘坐,须由成年人购票陪同
二 、乘客须在工作人员引导下登机、下机,舱门关闭和开启过程中切勿将身体伸出舱门,以免造成伤害
三 、设备运行中,请抓牢座位前的扶手,严禁站立、打闹,严禁在船内吸烟、吃东西,严禁携带易燃、易爆、有毒、有异味物品入场
四 、在乘坐过程中若感觉不适,请按头顶上方的红色紧急停止按钮
五 、患有心脏病、高血压、精神状况不佳及饮酒者请勿乘坐
1. Tickets are good for the day of purchase only. Children under one meter must be accompanied by an adult.
2. Follow staff instructions when getting in or out of the cabin. Do not stretch your head, hands or feet out of the cabin when the door is to open or close.
3. When equipment is in motion, please hold handrail tightly; do not stand up. Smoking, eating and drinking not allowed in the cabin. Flammables, explosives and smelly items are forbidden.
4. If you feel uneasy during the ride, please push the red button above your head.
5. People with heart disease, hypertension or mental disease and those who have been drinking alcohol should not try the game.
一 、租用游船最低起价时限为1小时,超10分钟按半小时计算,超40分钟按1小时计算;
二 、所租船只均凭票计费并退押金,如因船票过期、丢失,均由持票人负责,本园将不退押金;
三 、船票一经售出将不予退换;
四 、退押金手续应回所购票码头办理。
1、 The minimum usage time is one hour. An excess of 10 minutes is calculated as an additional half hour and an excess of 40 minutes as one hour
2、 Deposit is returned with ticket only. No settlement on out-of-date or lost tickets.
3、 No refunds
4、 For deposit refund, boat must be returned to dock from which ticket was bought.
1、 为了您的安全,请按规定座位上船,严禁超员;
2、 严禁在船上站立,摇晃,打闹等不安全行为;
3、 服从工作人员的管理,游船未停稳时,请勿上下船;
4、 请您爱护公物,不要损坏游船设备设施;
5、 请您自觉维护公共卫生,不要将废弃物抛到水里和船上;
6、 请带小孩的游客在乘船过程中看管好您的孩子,12岁以下儿童须有监护人带领方可上船;
7、 突遇大风(雨)情况时,请您听从工作人员指挥,选择安全地点就近上岸。
1、 No overloading;
2、 Dangerous actions--standing, swaying and playing on the board are forbidden.
3、 Follow instructions of the park staff. Do not get on or off the boat until safely anchored.
4、 Protect facilities and the boat.
5、 Keep the environment clean. Do not throw anything into the water.
6、 Take care of your children. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
In case of sudden strong wind or heavy rain, follow instructions of the park staff, and go ashore at safe sites as soon as possible.