- 发布时间:2016-08-10 20:53:00
- 发布者:吾爱
- 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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西门 West Gate
南门 South Gate
网球场 Tennis Court
乒乓球区 Table Tennis Zone
健身场所 Fitness Center
水上乐园 Water Park
垂钓园 Fishing Garden
水上餐厅 Waterfront Restaurant
荷花池 Lotus Pond
垂钓园 Fishing Garden
器械健身区 Body Building Area
乒乓健身区 Table Tennis Area
高尔夫练习场 Golf Court
网球场 Tennis Court
停车场Parking Lot
棋牌室Chess and Card Room
桑拿楼Sauna Center
会议室Conference Room
垃圾箱Trash Bin
(三)、警示导览牌:Warning Signs
水深危险 请勿靠近 Danger! Deep water
爱护绿地 人人有责 Keep off the grass
请勿攀爬 No Climbing, Please!
有电危险,请勿触摸Danger! Electric shock risk
请勿穿越No Crossing!
严禁烟火Smoking or use of fire is prohibited
非饮用水Not for drinking! (or Non-potable water!)
垂钓园——久居闹市之人皆向往自然,钓鱼是一项令人心旷神怡且雅俗共赏的活动,并在我国有着悠久的历史。它是一项精神享受,既能放飞心灵,又可陶冶情操,增长热爱自然、 善待生灵的觉悟。
Fishing Garden--- For those people planning an escape from the bustling urban life, fishing is a good option. As a popular sport in China for many centuries, it can free one’s soul, nurture one’s mind and build one’s respect for nature and wildlife.
The Fishing Garden is located at the centre of the Hope Park. It has an area of 10,000 square meters and can accommodate at least 50 anglers at the same time. The average water depth is 2.5 m, with a special water refilling system in place. The pond is surrounded by exuberant weeping willows. Permanent rain sheds have been installed along the east side of the garden to appease your fishing thirsts even in rainy days.
别墅群——是由14栋小楼组成的欧式别墅群。有豪华套间、商务套间、标准间和三人间等各式高档客房 60 余间套。此外,别墅区内餐饮、娱乐、健身、桑拿、会议设施一应俱全,可接待大型会议、旅游团以及同学聚会、家庭度假等各种活动。
Villa Area---- There are 14 European-style buildings, including more than 60 hotel rooms with deluxe suites, business suites, standard rooms, triple rooms and other high-class rooms. 应是总共60间客房,而不单是60个豪华间。
The villa boasts a full spectrum of food and beverage, recreation, body building, sauna and conference facilities. It is an ideal choice for tourist parties, conference organizers and any individual that plans a classmate reunion or a family vacation.
桑拿楼——逆当今桑拿洗浴中心超大规模化趋势,适用于10人左右的密友型团组进行休闲、娱乐、洽谈等活动。私密、精巧、别致,入住其中,回家的感觉油然而生,主人之品味有目共睹。Sauna Center ----- different from )the dominant practice of building a large-scale sauna facility, the center is designed a cozy home away from home (and is designed to make guests feel at home. People may invite up to ten friends to have fun or chat in a totally relaxing atmosphere.