
高中生英文作文 Strange Neighbours

  • 发布时间:2010-02-06 15:20:00
  • 发布者:吾爱
  • 微信号:wuaiyazhu.
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Strange Neighbours
I was doing my homework, with a pen spinning in my hand. "Pa!" The pen fell off my hand. I picked it up and continued thinking over the hard problem.
"Pa, Pa!" My pen was still spinning in my hand. It was strange. "Pa!" it sounded again. It was from the window behind me. Hit by something, it sounded like this. I opened the window and saw two children escaping in a hurry. "Don't let me catch you!" I shouted. Then I shut the window.
"Pa! Pa!" I got greatly angry and opened the window immediately. This time I could see the children's faces. They were the children of my neighbour. "Try it again and see how I will treat you!" I cried with great anger. They ran away with laughing. Meanwhile, their mother stared at me unhappily. Seeing this, I felt rather angry. Was I wrong It was she who hadn't taught her children well. How could she blame me
Think it over. These years I became stranger and stranger with my neighbours. Even meeting them in the street by accident, I pretend not to see them and go away. I think I am quite like a bird locked in a cage. My house is the cage. If I hadn't come here for school, I should have got on well with my neighbours.