朗文版四年级上册英语教案 Unit 6 At the mall
发布者:吾爱  来源:zhaojiaoan.com  


Unit 6 At the mall教案
The first period
Teaching aims:
1.Understand simple questions in class.
2. Participates in simple games and role-plays.
3.Describe pictures in complete sentences.
Language focus:
Where’s the supermarket?
It’s on the second floor.
Main points:
1. The new words in this unit.
2. Where’s the supermarket?
3. It’s on the second floor.
Difficult points:
1. Where’s the supermarket?
2. It’s on the second floor.
Teaching methods: Situation teaching.
Teaching steps:
Step 1 Greetings:
Free talk
Step 2 Revision:
1. near, on, in, under, by, behind.
Where is the…?
Step 3 Presentation (A)
Pat and Tim are at a shopping mall.
1. Bring in floor plan of a shopping mall.
2. (Books closed.)Introduce the names of different floors and places at the mall.
3. (Books closed.)Listen to the dialogue between Pat and Tim.
Question1: What does Tim want to buy?
Question2: Where’s the toy shop?
Question3: Where’s the toilet?
Step 4 Practice
1. (Books open.) Check the answers. Then, listen and repeat.
2. Divide the class into half. Tell half to role-play Tim and the other to role-play Pat.
3. Get them to make a shopping list.
4. Finish a task: Go to the mall and ask the way if they shop for the things on their shopping list.
Step 5 Workbook (P.33)
Unit 6 At the mall
Where’s the supermarket?
It’s on the ground floor.
Feed back:学习这篇课文,我用他们熟悉的生活情景引到单词上来,平时他们都有跟家长Shopping,我就引导他们你们要是想买书去哪里呀?没有钱你们怎么买东西呢?然后他们自己就说出”book shop, toilets, bank…”他们自己说出来的就比老师直接灌输的印象就深刻,由于比较贴近生活,他们在课堂上的反应就有兴趣的多,平时一些思想爱开小差的同学也有所好转,看来以后上课尽量要联系生活,引入实践.作业是单词抄写,有学生写的很漂亮,但是有些小马虎照着抄还抄错!作业要狠抓了!

Unit 6 At the mall
The second period
Teaching aims:
1.Understand a series of instructions and act accordingly.
2. Relate personal experience and information about mall by eliciting and responding to simple questions.
3. Recognize rhythm in simple song or poem.
4. Provide information by using graphs, tables and posters.
Language focus:
Where are the birds? It’s beside the door.
It’s above/below/between the …and…
Main points:
Using ordinal numbers to talk about places.
Where are the birds? It’s beside the door.
It’s above/below/between the …and…
Difficult points:
Using ordinal numbers to talk about places.
Where are the birds? It’s beside the door.
It’s above/below/between the …and…
Teaching methods: Situation teaching.
Teaching steps:
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Revision
Step 3 Presentation
(B1 Some birds fly out of the pet shop. Two shopkeepers, Mr Wang and Mr Chen, are trying to catch the birds. Listen, say and act.)
1、(Books closed.) Ask the pupils what kind of pets they can see in a pet shop.
2、Ask individual pupils Where is it? There it is! It’s beside/above/below the …,or It’s between the … and the …according to its location.
Step 4 Practice
1、(Books open.) Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Point to Mr Wang and Mr Chen looking for the birds.
2、Read the conversation and ask the class to read it after me. Emphasize the preposition of location.
3、Get the pupils to point to the birds shown in picture 2. Ask them to tell me where they are.
4、Get two pupils to role-play Mr Wang and Mr Chen. Ask other pupils to check if they describe the birds in the correct places.
Step 5 Sum-up
1、The prepositions “on”, “above”, “below”, “beside”, and “between”.
2、Where are the birds?
Make a dialogue about the location of the things in your bedroom.
Unit 6 At the mall
Where are the birds?
I can see one. It’s beside the door.
There’s another one above/below/between the … and the …

Feed back:陈主任巡堂时提了一些意见,我根据他提出的要求,针对课堂的趣味性再加强了一些,然后根据方位介词创编的一套”拳法”,在两个班的实践教学中他们根据拳法的手势,很快记住了这几个方位,不足之处就是对于”above or on”, “below or under” 还不是很理解,同样是”在..上面”,”在..下面”的意思,到底什么时候用”above” 什么时候该用”on”,在什么情况下用”below”,在什么情况下用”under”,中文举例解释他们更进一步理解.

Unit At the mall
The third period
Teaching aims:
1.Understand a series of instructions and act accordingly.
2. Relate personal experience and information about mall by eliciting and responding to simple questions.
3. Recognize rhythm in simple song or poem.
4. Provide information by using graphs, tables, and posters.
Language focus:
Is there a supermarket? Yes, there is.
Where is it?
It’s on the ground floor.
It’s between the bank and the bookshop.
Main points:
Using ordinal numbers to talk about places.
Using the prepositions “on”, “above”, “below”, “beside” and “between”.
Is there a supermarket? Yes, there is.
Where is it?
It’s on the ground floor.
It’s between the bank and the bookshop.
Difficult points:
Using ordinal numbers to talk about places.
Using the prepositions “on”, “above”, “below”, “beside” and “between”.
Is there a supermarket? Yes, there is.
Where is it?
It’s on the ground floor.
It’s between the bank and the bookshop.
Teaching methods: Situation teaching.
Teaching steps:
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Revision
Step 3 Presentation
1、Bring in or draw the plan of a shopping mall.
2、(Books closed.) Ask the pupils to look at the shops in the shopping mall. Ask the pupils Is there a …?
3、Draw the pupils’ attention to the floor numbers. Ask the pupils to tell me the shops are, both the floor and the location, e.g. below, above, beside or between with reference to other shops.
Step 4 Practice
1、(Books open.) Show Transparency. Read Bob and Ann’s conversation in the speech bubbles and ask the pupils to point to the supermarket.
2、Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the conversation once more and repeat it.
3. Ask the pupils to look carefully at the plan. Tell them you want to go to the bookshop, post office and the toilets. Ask the pupils, e.g. Are there toilets? Get the pupils to tell you where the toilets are.
Step5 Look at the plan above and complete the dialogue.(Part B3)
1、Tell the pupils to read silently through the conversation first. Remind them that they need to look at the plan in order to find out the information.
2、Do some examples with the pupils. Ask the pupils to complete the conversation by writing the correct answers in the blanks.
3、Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette so that the pupils can check their own answers.
Step 6 Sum up
Unit 6 At the mall
Is there a supermarket?
Yes, there is.
Where is it?
It’s on the ground floor.
It’s between the bank and the bookshop.

Feed back:上周请学生回家准备商品模型或图片,今天以4(2)mall,4(3)mall在班级创设了一个模拟商场,然后根据课文重点设计了几个对话:
what do you want to do?
I want to buy------------------.where’s the -----------------?
It’s ----------------------floor.
I want to buy ------------------------,Is there ------------------?
Yes,---------------------------- /No,----------------------, it’s ---------------------------.

Unit 6 At the mall
The fourth period
Teaching aims:
1.Understand a series of instructions and act accordingly.
2. Relate personal experience and information about mall by eliciting and responding to simple questions.
3. Recognize rhythm in simple songs or poem.
4. Provide information by using graphs, tables, and posters.
Language focus:
Is there a supermarket?
Yes, there is. It’s on the ground floor.
Where is Grandpa?
He’s in the fast food restaurant.
But he’s not eating fast food. He’s drinking a cup of tea.
Main points:
Using ordinal number to talk about places.
Using the prep0osition “on”, “in”, “at”…etc.
Is there a supermarket?
Yes, there is. It’s on the ground floor.
Where is Grandpa?
He’s in the fast food restaurant.
But he’s not eating fast food. He’s drinking a cup of tea.
Difficult points:
Using ordinal number to talk about places.
Using the prep0osition “on”, “in”, “at”…etc.
Is there a supermarket?
Yes, there is. It’s on the ground floor.
Where is Grandpa?
He’s in the fast food restaurant.
But he’s not eating fast food. He’s drinking a cup of tea.
Teaching methods: Situation teaching.
Teaching steps:
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Revision
Step 3 Presentation
(Part C: A story: Where’s Grandpa? )
1、 Point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles and captions aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as you read them.
2、 Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3、Tell the pupils to cover picture 4. ask the pupils a prediction question at the end of picture 3, Where do you think Grandpa is?
Step 4 Read and circle the best answers. (Part D)
1、Ask the pupils to read the story again. Show them how to circle the answer they have chosen. Remind them to check in the story.
2、Check the answers with the pupils.
Unit 6 At the mall
Is there a supermarket?
Yes, there is. It’s on the ground floor.
Where is Grandpa?
He’s in the fast food restaurant.
But he’s not eating fast food. He’s drinking a cup of tea.

Feed back:
Is there …….?
Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.
It’s on the……..
我们进行了一次开放课堂活动—模拟超市(our mall)课前让他们自己分组做准备,上课哪天他们带来了很多小模型,图片以及实物还有的学生自己家里找不到的就动手画出来,总之是非常积极.连平时上课比较捣蛋的几个学生也能参与进去,在布置了任务,提了要求以后,他们带着任务纸开始了他们的SHOPPING,最后每个小组推选一个人来小结,然后全班复习关键句型

Unit 6 At the mall
The fifth period
Teaching aims:
1.Understand a series of instructions and act accordingly.
2. Relate personal experience and information about mall by eliciting and responding to simple questions.
3. Recognize rhythm in simple songs or poem.
4. Provide information by using graphs, tables, and posters.
Language focus:
the sound of “ue” and the words.
Is there a bank?
Yes, there is.
Where is it?
It’s on the first floor.
It’s beside the fast food restaurant.
Main points: the sound of “ue” and the words.
Is there a bank?
Yes, there is.
Where is it?
It’s on the first floor.
It’s beside the fast food restaurant.
Difficult points: the sound of “ue” and the words.
Is there a bank?
Yes, there is.
Where is it?
It’s on the first floor.
It’s beside the fast food restaurant..
Teaching methods: Situation teaching.
Teaching steps:
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Revision
Step 3 Presentation (Part E)
1、Get the pupils to Listen to the sound and the words.
2、Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that the pupils are saying the sound correctly.
3、Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
4、Listen again. Ask the pupils to listen to the poem.
5、Tell them to circle the same letters with the same sound. Get the pupils to repeat the poem.
Step 4 Fill in the missing information (Part F).
1. Ask the pupils to work in pairs and turn to page 43. Tell them to use a book or a piece of paper to cover the other pupil’s a plan.
2. Explain that the plans are of the same shopping mall, but that different information is shown or omitted in each. In order to complete the plans, the pupils must ask each other questions and fill in the missing information. They should write their answers in the correct places on their plans.
3.Ask the pupils to check that they have identical plans.
Step 5 Workbook (P33-38)
Step 6 Sum up
the sound of “ue” and the words.
Is there a bank?
Yes, there is.
Where is it?
It’s on the first floor.
It’s beside the fast food restaurant..
Unit 6 At the mall
ue true Sue glue blue
Is there a bank?
Yes, there is.
Where is it?
Feed back:
学生对这种贴近生活的课程很有兴趣,我叫他们把任务带到生活中去,周末你们去逛街(shopping)吗?把你shopping 的过程按照这篇课文的方式写几个小句子,大部分学生能很好的掌握,还有一些后进生还是记不住!加强对他们的辅导!