朗文版四年级英语上册教案 Unit 7 Eating out教案
发布者:吾爱  来源:zhaojiaoan.com  


Unit 7 Eating out教学设计
一、 学生分析
二、 课标分析
本课主题为出去外面吃饭时如何使用“I’d like…”表达自己想吃的食物,是孩子们平时生活所经常接触的话题。根据《课程标准》,本课体现了语言的实践性,强调学生的体验性和实践性,强调任务型学习、语言的输入量和真实语言实践的机会。亦突出了以人为本的教育思想,把情感列为教学目标之一。
三、 教材分析
Primary English for China 是非常不错的教材,不愧是多个专家智慧的结晶。它努力为学习者营造语境,将“交际性语言教学”与“任务型学习”融合起来。以“学生为主体”,提倡在听、说、读、写、唱、玩、演等多种形式中培养学生综合应用英语的能力。各册书内容之间呈螺旋形上升的,相关的内容总会由浅到深,不断重现。例如:本单元是对Book3 Unit6“Shopping”有关食物词汇的扩展和加深。同时,本课的 “What would you like? I’d like…”与Book2 unit8 “What do you want? I want…”之间有一定的联系, 唤起了孩子们对新旧知识联想的能力。另外,基于孩子们对Book6 Unit9 句型 “What do you want to eat/drink?I want to eat/drink…”的认识, 我个人觉得要是本课也能引出 “What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like to eat/drink…”就可以锦上添花了。
四、 教学目标分析
(一) 语言知识目标
1. 熟记本单元单词和短语A sandwich, a hamburger, a packet of fries, dumplings, a cup of tea, a bowl of noodles, a piece of cake, a glass of juice & other foods’ name
2. 会用 “What would you like?”询问别人所需的食物。
3. 能正确运用“’d like to…”点自己所要的食物。
4. 能用英语参加游戏及角色表演。
(二) 语言技能目标
1. 理解、听懂课文的对话,能模拟、编写对话。
2. 能进行知识迁移,把所学的语言知识用在模拟的实际情景中。
3. 培养学生灵活、准确运用所学过词语的能力,在游戏中复习所学的有关词汇。
(三) 学习策略目标
(四) 情感态度目标
(五) 文化意识目标
2.经常使用“Thank you.”
五、 教学重难点
1. Do you like…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
2. What would you like? I’d like…
六、教学方式主要采用了直观教学法, 情境教学法, 小组活动教学法,示范-模仿法,任务型教学法及TPR教学法。
七、教学用具实物、 CAI课件、图片、菜单和调查表
Step 1:Warm-up & revision1. Daily English (day date weather etc.)
2. Show title “Unit 7 Eating out” (PPT)
T: It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
T: Then let’s eating out, OK?
3. Guide the students to Mcdonald restaurant (给学生一定的想象空间,让学生猜猜看老师会带他们去哪间餐厅)
4. Show the picture of Mcdonald (CAI) (呈现情景,使学生身临其境)
5. Show the menu in Mcdonald to review the words. (What can we eat in Mcdonald)
课题的引入采用创设情景引入法。用简单明了的语言将课文引出,先声夺人,以吸引学生的注意力,提高学生学习课文的兴趣。学生怀着好奇的心情把所有认识的餐厅KFC, Coffee shop, Chinese restaurant等都猜了一遍,最后得知是Mcdonal后特别高兴,因为这是他们的favorite food,复习起来也特别带劲,读得特别有力。
Step 2: Presentation & Practice1. Present the new sentence patterns:
1)T: Looking at so many delicious foods. Do you feel hungry?
S: Yes.
T: I’m the waitress in the restaurant. I’ll serve you the food.
Ask individual student: (体现情景教学法)
T: Do you like…? S1: Yes, I do.
T: Here you are. S1:Thank you.
T: Do you like…? S2: No, I don’t. (由旧引新, 过渡自然)
T: What would you like? (Presentation)
S2: I’d like… ( 引导学生说)
T: Here you are .(递给他想要的那种食物)
S2: Thank you.
T: You are welcome.
2) Do the same with 2 more students.
3) What would you like? I’d like…(板书)
教师用他们听得懂的简单句子 “Do you like…?”引出新句式 “What would you like?”,并不断地重复此句子, 学生随着听说产生了完全的生理反应,越来越多的同学可以自然地用语言表达他的想法,使学习情绪主动起来,注意力也高度集中起来了,这就体现了TPR的教学法。再者,由于用实物直接进行交流,孩子们都争先恐后说出自己所要的食物,生怕老师的麦当劳食品会被其他同学得到,课堂开始活跃起来。
2. Practice:
(A)Ask & answer between groups/ in pairs
(B)Hold a line race (小组为单位比赛,进行单词滚雪球活动,看哪组快)
I’d like juice.
I’d like juice and coke.
I’d like juice ,coke and dumplings…
3. Guide out other similar patterns (PPT)
What would you like to eat?I’d like to eat…
What would you like to drink? I’d like to drink…
这也算是对本单元重点句式的引申及拓展,也是对以前Book6 Unit9 所学句子What do you want to eat/drink?I want to eat/drink…的温习。新旧知识的交替学习,给学生留下更深刻的印象。
4. Show video of Part B& repeat. (Golden son CD-Rom)
5 Play a guessing game.
学生通过摸猜游戏,用 “I’d like to eat/ drink…”回答老师或另一学生的问题: “What would you like to eat/ drink?”,充分发挥了学生的主观能动性,让学生动起来,也发挥了他们的创造性思维。在课堂教学活动中真正有一种学习主人翁的滋味,有一种成功的渴望和感受。让学生在玩中学,在学中玩,玩乐结合,使学习变得轻松愉快, 趣味盎然。
Step 3 Consolidation & Expansion1. Show a Chinese Restaurant & the foods in it, pupils work in pairs to talk about what they would like. (PPT)
2. Suppose you’re eating out with your family or friends, act out the dialogue. (You may go to different restaurants)
分为Mcdonal 组, KFC组, Chinese restaurant组和 Coffee shop,小组为单位凭自己的兴趣爱好选取吃饭的餐厅,孩子们用集体的力量编出栩栩如生的充满生活气息的对话,一个个小小服务员拿着英文菜单的生动形象及“酒楼迎宾小姐”的彬彬有礼,让当老师的我感到出奇意外,不得不佩服现在小孩的观察能力及模仿能力,学生真正成为学生的主人,他就能鲜明地感受到学习的意义,显示了学以致用的功效。
3. Do a survey: go around the classroom to ask your friends体现了任务型教学法,让孩子们带着任务去询问你的朋友想吃什么食物。
4. Show a boy eating too many hamburgers, ask class it’s good or not to eat many hamburgers. Teach them to keep a healthy diet. (PPT)
5. Let them remember: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (PPT)
6. Sing a song of apples (Flash)培养良好的饮食习惯,多吃水果和青菜,保持健康的身体。
Step 4 Summary & Homework1. Summary: Today we learn how to request food. (齐读板书)
2. Homework:
1) Ask your family members what they would like for dinner.
Suppose you have a restaurant, think about the name of your restaurant and make a menu.
1) Unit 7 Eating out
What would you like? I’d like…
What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like to eat/drink…
CH7 Festivals
I. Warm up(3’)
What’s the weather like today?What’s the date today?
II. Go over part A (10’)
1.There are four festivals. Click each festival and see what are the people doing?Watch the pictures carefully. Then answer the questions about festivals.
Show the questions: (?)
a. What festival is it?
b. What can you see? / What’s in the pictures?
c. What are the people doing?
d. What season is it? Is it hot/warm/cold/cool?
2. Guide pupils find out the answers with computers.
3. Answer the questions.
*Finish a survey?
III. Learn part B
1. Ask 3-5 pupils answer the questions: When’s Mid-Autumn Festival/Eater/Chinese new year/Christmas?(*repeat?) / What do we do in this festival? (Pair work)
2. Do you know other festivals in spring/summer/autumn/winter?
Then show some pictures of other typical festivals like Halloween, Thanksgiving Day and so on.
IV. Finish a survey about festivals