Schools in America and Britain阅读课 教学设计
微课名称 Schools in America and Britain 视频长度 11分06秒
知识点来源 □学科: 英语 年级: 八 教材版本: 沪新世纪版英语
知识点描述 概括文本及找细节的阅读能力
预备知识 背景知识
(待定) □讲授型 □问答型 □启发型 □讨论型 □演示型 □实验型 □练习型 □表演型 □自主学习型 □合作学习型 □探究学习型 □其他类型
适用对象 初二
设计思路 我执教的Schools in America and Britain这篇阅读是新世纪英语教材八年级下册第三单元的一篇阅读材料。这篇阅读材料比较抽象,对于英美学校的对比介绍做得比较笼统。老师希望通过这节阅读课,帮助学生通过对文本的理解,对英美学校有进一步具体的了解。我所呈现的10分钟视频是这节课的一个片段,是while-reading部分的开始,首先请学生阅读全文,给文章拟一个适合的标题,培养学生的概括能力。然后进入精读第一部分——对美国学校的介绍。
T:I have a daughter who is 5 years old.
I want her to study abroad.
Recently I have read a passage and found a lot of information from it.
Now I’ll hand out the reading material to you.
First, read the passage.
Next, try to think of a good title for it and write it down on the line.
I’ll give you three minutes to read it.
Time is up. Tell me what title you came up with.
Actually the title gives us the main idea of the passage. 4’26’’
Next, I want to the details about schools in USA.
Can you answer my questions in a complete sentence?
When do children go to school in America? (S:six years old)
How do you know that? (S: all children from ages six to sixteen go to school)
The word “from” tells us when they start schooling.
How long do children spend in secondary school? (S: four to six)
Do you know why some students spent four years and some spent six years to complete secondary school education?
Actually in America, after students complete all the required courses, they can graduate. (required course 下划线)
What does it mean?
Required courses are courses that you must take at school whether you like them or not.
Can you guess the meaning? (S:必修课)
What are the required courses for you ? ( S: Chinese, maths, English, physics, history, geography, music, art…)
So in America, some students learn faster than others. Do you know why?
Four years: it takes students four years _______________________
Five years: ___________________________________________
Six years: ____________________________________________
So how long they stay in secondary school depends on how well, how fast, how hard they learn.
Is it the same in China?
After students complete all the required courses, they can get a high school diploma.
What’s the meaning of the diploma?
A diploma is a piece of a paper which improves you completed the education
What diploma did you get when you graduated from elementary school? (展示一张毕业证照片)
When do students get a high school diploma in America? (S:After they complete all the required courses) 6’08’’
How can they go on to college? (S: they take college admission tests)
In China, we call admission tests entrance exams.
Is it your dream to go to a famous college?
What must you do to enter a good college in China?
Do you need to pay for college education in China? 50’’
辅助材料 多媒体PPT课件
自我教学反思 结合教研组本学期所开展的阅读教学课堂有效性探索这一主题,我开展了一节题为Schools in America and Britain的公开教学课,旨在探索如何运用有效策略,加强学生文本理解这一教研难题。
2、在post reading这一环节中,我设计了一个小组活动,第一个任务是让学生讨论并决定选择三或四个方面,第二个任务是让学生根据自己选定的几个方面,做具体介绍,在教学预设中,我希望能够达成通过活动加深文本理解的目的。但是实际操作下来,学生的输出较为死板,语言的灵活性较差,因此在读后活动的有效性上我会进一步加强研究。